Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2001-04-22 - 3:38 p.m.



I just got back from home like 15 minutes ago. And Lowell is just as I left it; boring. No one is really around now (well, no surprise. It's sunday.) It's my Dad's birthday today. If you see him (which you probably won't because he lives in New York and is now driving down there for the next 4 hours) wish him a happy birthday.

I learned a lot about myself for some weird reason this weekend. A lot about control and a lot about will power. I also learned that headaches suck hardcore and that sinus trouble gives you the worst headaches you can imagine.

I saw the Producers last night. I don't think I've laughed so hard in such a long time. It was the most offensive thing I've seen since the South Park movie and it was great. Stupid Nazis make everything funnier (I mean making fun of them. Not actually going out and hating people.)

By the way, little sister, how's your back feeling?

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