Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2001-04-23 - 1:56 a.m.


Dot Dot Dot

I'm still up. Why. I hate being sick... I've actually forgotten what its like to be healthy. I should go see a doctor about this, but I'm not going to. Medicine is too much money and its probably only a long lasting cold. NOthing that decongestant and losenges can't handle.

But the down part to me being sick is that it seems I got everyone else I know sick. At least they blame me for being sick... It just makes everyone so miserable that when I am finally all better, I can't enjoy it because everyone I'd spend time with is sick. I hate irony.

I also wish that I didn't spend so much time by myself. It's not healthy. I'm reading a lot more than I used to and its starting to make me think more and more. This is not a bad thing, but it means its harder for me to pay attention when I should be because my head is shooting off into all sorts of directions. I have an extremely powerful imagination and I don't think it needs anymore help. ( I probably have A.D.D. or something, but I don't like fake disease names, so I won't admit to it...what was I talking about agian :) ...)

I just noticed that I ended a lot of sentences in the ... fashion. I think I need to sleep now. I'm thinking in my diary... GODDAMNIT! again with the fucking dots. Ok, screw this, I'm going to bed.

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