Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2002-11-25 - 4:37 p.m.


Ol' School

I wrote this a few days ago. Besides going to Lake George and getting christmas money for my family, nothing's changed.


"close you bitchface!" - Belmo to the kitchen drawer

It's closer than you think and then BAM! It's there, the beginning of the end. I have 2 weeks of this semester left and they've come up from out of nowhere. Everything is fallen, all is tattered. Every attractive grace is shaken from the face, illness grips your senses in headlocks and chokeholds, laughter putting you into coughing fits (the times I had time for laughter). and then I'm through to the beginning of this last half of a year left at college.

Not THE last semester yet, but I'm acting that way.

I'm enjoying my classes in the wrong ratio. My Mass Comm. class is becoming extremely fun, to the point where it's the only class I'm doing well in. All others are like daggers hanging out of my back, stabs from the other classes demanding the same attention as the media class but receiving none of it. Except Writing Fiction. I am loving that class. Outdoor Writing is interesting but I don't have the heart for it. So does that mean journalism is out for me if I can't make my journalist professor as happy as my Radio/TV teacher....

Because writing television shows kicks so much ass. Dude, I wrote an ER script and had a ball. I've never seen ER enough to know who is which, but through help from my group, I wrote it out. They didn't even have to do too much, just direct me. It's like a cool movie making process, where you are just handed character and set ideas from reference and forming a show based on specific guidelines to follow. That was Drama. We're doing Comedy now and the bars have come down...it's time to create your own world and make up a fresh new comedy show. I chuckle a bit when I read this diary, so this isn't too challenging.

Our show is called "The Bin" and is set in the ....


....in a psychiatric ward at St. Benadict's Psychiatric Hospital. Real crazy people. We'll have all sorts of crazy crap, this thing will write itself. Hell, I wrote 3 episodes in 5 minutes when I sat down to check my email. One of them has a 49er's gold-miner with one tooth, a big beard and a raspy voice and his name is Zippy and he bathes in a bucket of mop water pushed by a janitor named Karl Zizmakarl. He's also a hallucination. This is considered completely acceptable as a comedic plot because the person seeing it is messed up on the wrong medication. Dude, this is fucking what we can write in the name of comedy. It's atrocious comedy; which, if this exercise in TV script writing saw fruition, would exceed all levels of acceptable behavior on television.

But we only SAID we're comedy, professor. You'll have to find out if it's bad or not by reading it. ENJOY!


Dude, I hope she doesn't fail me for this.

And I've been shown a different road to travel down and they're pissed? Who knows?

Actually, they're pissed I'm not doing their work because I don't appreciate it. I'm just trying not to fail.

Blew up a bit at the radio station. So much has gone wrong or difficultly and...

Yes difficultly is now a word.

I'm just trying to do what needs to get done done. I messed up with underwriting; Should have fixed those rates with Andy and Tim way earlier so we could have sold some.

Better luck next semester.

Better luck next semester indeed.

That's resume making time. Oh joy. Portfolio heaven.


I have two episodes of television under my belt. Well, a (semi)fan ficiton episode and a deranged series.

Dude, things aren't so bad. I had turkey today, too. Hung out with Fuchs. It's like it wasn't all that bad.

It's the calm before the storm. I'll go home and relax 4 days, come back and BAM!everything will go kersplash at the same time, work drenching me like sweat. 5 page papers here, there. Final that determines my grade for that class. Rewrites that need to be rewritten and all sorts of fun stuff like "Who's person #6 at 16 Elm St."

Becca's #5 now. Things might pick up here a littel and cause some good ruckus for the last semester.

Time to go unfail Psychology.


Last Few

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