Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2002-07-28 - 4:35 p.m.



"Belmonaut: hey

ELLEgirlBuddy: this is ELLEgirlBuddy, produced and maintained by activebuddy, inc.
wassup Belmonaut! i'm happy to see u again. :-) how can i help u now?

>>> remember, u can always see everything i can do by typing "home."

Belmonaut: whats up

ELLEgirlBuddy: hey!
>>> type "home" to see everything i can do.

Belmonaut: you already said hey

ELLEgirlBuddy: i did?

Belmonaut: yeah

ELLEgirlBuddy: golly.

Belmonaut: so whats new

ELLEgirlBuddy: not much. what's new with u?

Belmonaut: nothing

ELLEgirlBuddy: ok
anyway, what else u got for me?
>>> want to know where to find some awesome pink eyeshadow? just type "blink in pink."

Belmonaut: dont try to change the subject

ELLEgirlBuddy: sorry, i didn't think i did.

Belmonaut: yeah you did

ELLEgirlBuddy: golly!

Belmonaut: I wanted to know if there's anything going on

ELLEgirlBuddy: i'm impressed.

Belmonaut: oh are you

ELLEgirlBuddy: i dunno... am i?

Belmonaut: are you trying to shoot wise with me?

ELLEgirlBuddy: what do u think?

Belmonaut: what kind of wiseass bullcrap is that

ELLEgirlBuddy: what kind of wiseass bullcrap is that?

Belmonaut: we're not friends anymore ellegirlbuddy

ELLEgirlBuddy: sorry?

Belmonaut: no, its too late

ELLEgirlBuddy: really?

Belmonaut: fuck off

ELLEgirlBuddy: nice mouth! =-O
>>> how's your summer wardrobe? check out the ELLEgirl editor's hot summer picks to give your closet a boost!"

-Belmo VS. the ELLEgirlBuddy bot online. They just don't make 'em like SmarterChild anymore. Smarter child would have made me apologize.

So last night was probably the most interesting night of the summer, which is sad becasue it started with me playing Final Fantasy 1 for NES. I got a phone call from Jimbo, who told me there were people hanging out around the block. I got to play beer bitch for a while, then got to play GTA3 (which, next to sex, is the greatest thing in the fucking world.)

Then I decided to play Beirut, the "throw a bunch of filthy coins in cups of beer and chug it game." It is easily my favorite game in the world. After my team won twice, the cops came and broke it up, possibly arresting a few people.

I got sent out by the police with everyone who didn't live there. I was happy I made it but I feel bad for everyone who lived there.

And I got to see someone in a tie-dye shirt throw up on himself. It was pretty funny, until the cops came at least.

I am fucking counting down the days till I leave this place to go home, see the warped tour and sleep on a bed that isn't practically military issue. Also, I look forward to drinking with my old friends on my own stomping grounds. None of this drinking as a visitor. I want to be drunk and laughing my ass off with people who knew me before I hit puberty.

As well as with people who already hit puberty.

I hate being the old man.


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