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2002-07-26 - 8:30 p.m.


The Battle of The Battle of Phone Tag

God I love the life I lead. For now.

With the bullshit part of the movie script done (you know, the whole writing it part) I now have to translate it to actual script formula. I had no idea that there was a standard script form and now I have to go back and change everything.

But its still done.

I went "production" shopping today, looking at all the people I can hock my script to. I also have been looking into getting this sonbitch copyrighted, because you KNOW I don't want to get it stolen out from underneath me.

Here, I'll start that now. I WROTE A SCRIPT CALLED THE BATTLE OF PHONE TAG. IT'S ABOUT A STONER NAMED RICH WHO DECLARES WAR ON WOMEN. HE FINDS THIS GIRL EVE AND HE IS TORN BETWEEN GIVING UP THE FIGHT OR GIVING UP HER. IF YOU STEAL THIS IDEA, I WILL KILL YOU. I HAVE A 69 PAGE HEADSTART ON YOU AND I WILL FIND YOU WHERE YOU LIVE AND SMITE YOU IF YOU EVEN THINK ABOUT TAKING THIS IDEA. Let this diary post, along with the countless others that are posts of real life situations, such as the war on women, be proof enough that I wrote this. You can try to take this from me, but you will not succeed.


With that said and done, I found it particularly easy to get addresses for publishing houses and its only a matter of time before I head to the post office with about 20 dollars in postage and a shit load of script samples to send out, with hopes that one of them comes back with an interest in teh idea.

By the way, if you're reading this and you ARE in a publishing house, or you know someone who is or have any connection, please, hook a brother up. I'll even give you credit for it. Honest injun.

It's raining outside, and I want to go out and celebrate this triumph, but money and weather combined have squashed that idea, so if nothing turns up for a good time tonight, I think I'm going to get drunk by myself and giggle at Adult Swim, if it's on, and just be happy with everything as it is.

I also want to add that I played a kickass show on the radio tonight and the following Lowell bands got mad air play:

  • Center of the Earth
  • Will Brierly and the Roller Holsters
  • Harris (twice)
  • Andrew Gardiner
  • Stolen Bike Crusade
  • Light of Day
  • Quarter Mile Hero

That is all.


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