Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2002-07-25 - 10:51 a.m.


Belmo wins the Battle of Phone Tag

Wow, 24 hours of fun. Literally. I've only slept 3 hours max the past 24.

Lets go through this one, because it needs it.

I got my test back for Western World Literature. I got an A. That rules. To celebrate, I downloaded a bunch of wallpapers off of pbase.com to put on my background for my computer. I also went to the library and took out Dante's Inferno, the divine comedy. I finally figured out a way to read all those books I wanted to read for free (not like I wasn't aware of libraries, just I don't always put 2 and 2 together all the time). I also talked to Mr. Lynch for a good amount of time. Mostly about feeling helpless to the changes in the Family, to different attitudes people have now a days. NOthing new, just upsetting.

I read the first 3 cantos on a rock in the river by my favorite chill spot, back behind the Memorial Hall field. I sat there with water rushing madly around me, the sun beating down, nature running it's course as I carressed one of the most finely crafted stories in existence. It was beautiful. I cut through the graveyard to get home, becasue the back fence of Renaissance Village runs along the graveyard, another thing I didn't notice till yesterday. Or I did notice and didn't pay it any attention. I read a few more cantos there because I felt the mood was too good to pass up.

Then I came back and started in with my movie.

It's done by the way. It's all done. But I'll get to that.

I worked on that all afternoon and the words poured off my fingers like sweat. I was struggling for a while and I feel like the combination of the river, with the Dante and the Jack Johnson/Shods Cd I made helped raise my overall moods.

I made the best omlete in the world you can make without cheese or bacon. IT ruled.

Then at 6:30, I burned a CD for my first radio show of the sumemr, which stupidly happened towards the end of the summer. I was too deep into my movie and my classes to really take charge like I should be doing as business director of WQKE. But I made up for it by playing a fucking great show. It may not have sounded great to people, it could have been utter shit, but I barely come out of a show jsut as pumped up as when I got there.

Purely magical.

I came home like 10:30, missing South Park (You bastards!) but I read all I was supposed to for my class and passed out right on the last word, book in hand at like 11.

I got woken up by a knock on my door at 1:30 in the morning. My friend Mandy, who god rest her soul tries as hard as she can to get through everything, was more or less homeless that night becasue she was fighting with people. It's not my story, I won't tell it, but she hung out for a while and we talked for about an hour, smoked a little, and I suddenly got the power, like inciting a Muse for epic poems, to finish the personally infamous Mary Jane scene in the movie, where the lead character smokes and imagines this woman, who represents the buds, is kissing him. IT's really weird, this whole movie is weird and I love it, and I finished the MAry JAne scene, with as best skill as I think I can give the scene ever. I really don't think I can do better than I did last night for that movie. IT jsut seemed like my mind was tired of going "Yeah yeah yeah I'll finish the movie". It buckled down and just flew through the movie. This is not to say I half assed it, as I will never do for anything I love. I will never half ass anything I have a distinct attacthment to. I made myself coffee at like 3:30 AM, using a strainer (like for spagetthi) and a filter, putting the coffee rinds INTO my Mr. Coffee glass thingy. It came out the best coffee I've had in a long time, strong and kick ass.

I proceeded to type for the next 4 hours. The last letter of the last word I type was pressed on the keyboard the moment my alarm clock went off, at 7:10 in the morning.

So I got up from my bed, made myself a small snack of toast and butter, drank danky coffee, listened to some WuTang and there I was, 24 hours after the last time I truly got sleep, with only a handful of hours to show for sleeping.

This is the fullest you can use a day and not die. Of course, the moment I get home from here, and the HyperBelmo adrenaline, the only reason I'm not face down on this keyboard, dies like a sugar crash, I'll be nothing more than a corpse with a pulse and there ain't nothing that could wake me up.

But it's finished. The movie is done. It took me probably close to 100+ hours to do, but I can hold it up above my head proudly and say "SHIT YEAH BITCH! I MADE THIS! THIS IS MINE! THIS IS WHERE MY BABIES COME FROM!"

Actually, that last line was from Family Guy, but its the same feeling.

Now if you'll excuse me, I must go home and die.


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