Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2002-07-29 - 6:19 p.m.


Bittersweet Synonyms

I wish I slept under a weedwacker instead, but the fact that I paid for a haircut that looks ridiculous makes me pissed. At least I always wear a hat.

Last night was the epidomy of the lessons of "Why There Is No True Music In This Town".

I sat down with a few people that my friend Pete knew and we drank a few beers while this guy Scott, who is the coolest motherfucker because he has TONS of stories and can actually tell them fucking real well, shot the shit. He talked about how NOFX gave him steak for being a good bodygaurd at a festival show, and all the fun and bonuses of being a cable repairman. Most of which is nudity.

But then this kid, who was funny as hell, started talking about spending time at a show or something to that effect and he was ecstatic becasue he gets to hang out with Hazin Jane, the local Trump band here. The shining ace in the collegiate band scene here, aside from the hippie jam bands.

I do not count that as a viable contender for big daddy band. Come back when you've written some real music.

But this band Hazin Jane is a halfway decent cover band, covering such cosmic bands as Creed. I'd list more, but if I got any more sarcastic as to the quality I hold this band, your computer would no doubt explode.

Now I can't say that I have a fair hatred of cover bands. One of the reasons I hate cover bands stems from high school, where my band Red Label had a "rivalry" with a cover band called OBC...

And let me explain the rivalry a bit. IT was pointless and empty, and really was more of an envy. We played original punk songs, at a time just before Green Day really took hold and even after that, before everyone I knew had the essential "punk" CDs. They played Led Zepplin, Metallica and all sorts of other old rock covers. Not to mention, every single person in that band was a good friend of mine. We constantly did the whole "we're better than you are" thing, even coming down to a guitar off between a friend I consider a brother Mehr and this kid Pete. Mehr, who will never ever ever ever ever ever in the history of ever be put away on guitar by almost anyone I know in my town, dessimated Pete, who had years of training over Mehr, who, by some gift of God, can play the guitar like a mofo simply by fucking blind untaught skill. Mehr eventually went to OBC, which was a bitter thing, becasue he didnt like punk. He likes metal ("likes" because no matter when you read this, at any point in this entry's existence, he will still love metal. Guaranteed.) So the bands battled on, trying to out show each other. We ended up getting shit on as a band because we weren't playing what people knew and wanted to hear: we were creating what we wanted to see made. Not to say we were the best fucking band ever to grace a Lynbrook stage, but we held our own. If only people ever came to our shows at bars, we'd have fucking proven ourselves true. But you can't think of what should have been, only what was...

...and the other reason is I just hate people not creating and going through the motions of a band. It's not real music to me. IF I wanted a Metallica show, I'd fucking go see Metallica. Not to mention no one can out-Metallica Metallica or any band for that matter.

So I learned the lesson well, that there isn't much hope here for music. If I started a new band up here, it would be Red Label 2. IT would be the cover bands VS. us, because god knows I'd never play anything but hardcore or punk and I'll be damned if I've seen a decent hardcore band up here. FROM up here. Oh, don't think Upstate NY can not represent.

Just not Plattsburgh.


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