Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2002-07-30 - 3:26 p.m.


A walk down memory lane

"East Coast stompin/ ripping and rompin/ New York, South campacampus and compton!" - Belmo as "Charlie Brown" in the Drunken Millenium Singers rendition of "Scenario"

THAT was fucking fun. I almost forgot about that shit and if it weren't for Tape reminding me that we were the whitest thing to happen to rap since Snow, then I might have forgotten.

And playing as Belmo Rhymes was pretty funny too. If only that one show in the basement of Concordia Hall didn't "PUSH THE LINES" as that one cop put it, we could have done the almighty Sonic Reducer Mega Rap Jam, which would have included such rap hits as Onyx's "Slam", Run-Dmc's "King of Rock", House of Pain's "Jump Around", Kris Kross' "Jump", Skee-Lo's "I Wish" and a miriad of other fun songs as me, Tape and Mr. Lynch played the old Dead Boys hit "Sonic Reducer". IT's been practiced once, and it was glorious.

This nostalgic calling back to the times of rock made me go on a search (mostly becasue I forgot what the cop said and I knew Rob put it up on an old Roller Holster's page. Of course, I also forgot that I had an entry that went into it in my diary, but seeing as I'm lazy without common sense, yeah....)which lead me to Kevindust's homepage, someone who I'm sure I might know but have no idea if I really do. He lists the Roller Holsters and Center of the Earth as some of his favorite "My Music" bands, along with ...Sevendust and Static X of others. This guy's got an awesome musical background and I'm sure everyone involved with either band will love to know that someone out there holds thier work as close to his heart as he does Alien Ant Farm and Linkin Park. In fact, they even come listed before that.

Not as geocities as the Harris shrine but a nice picture of Mr. Blatt playing bass, with the craziest beard I've ever seen him wear.

So I just stepped all over the internet and boy are my fingers tired. Actually, that's not all that funny, even at all, so I'll leave with another joke of the same kind of idea:

"I just flew in from the sperm bank and boy are my arms tired."

Yeah, that's good.


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