Leave me a Note, Damn It!
link to diary critic

2004-08-23 - 2:18 a.m.




*smack smack smack*


*smack smack smack*

Is this thing on?

I know it's been some time and all but honestly, I never forgot about this thing. I actually miss it.

I've been using myspace.com so much lately, I've been writing there and whatnot, basically all of my internet time is spent on it. But I know that I don't unwind on there like I do here; I don't feel comfortable with it.

And maybe it's because I have more control here. I don't know WHO is reading this, just that people are. With myspace, people leave notes and stuff, you can see a picture of them and whatnot. It's very odd.

Regardless, I'm going to go to bed becasue it's late. I just wanted to say that I didn't forget about any of you.

As long as you didn't forget about me.


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