Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2004-08-13 - 1:14 a.m.


The only thing to fear is ....

I find it really funny.

You know, amidst the bombing and looting, the pillaging of a country with mortar, we find that there are still the same old problems or events happening before this whole crazy war thing started.

And we're not really paying too much attention to them.

Or maybe I'm not, but I'm not really alone. Apparently, there's a man in New Jersey who just came out and admitted he was gay.

No wait, it gets better.

The man, a mildly famous man, also made commercials for New Jersey.


And he was the govenor of the state, using the image of him holding his wife and children on television.

And you KNOW he was checking out the boomguy, holding the microphone that looked like a dildo on a stick in front of his face. Well maybe not.

Regardless, this would set fire to the streets of New Jersey. This would have leveled buildings and razed the entire state in anger. This man who masqueraded with his fag hag wife so that he could get office, because you know if he was outwardly gay from the get go and not married, he wouldn't have stood as much of a chance (sorry, not going to believe for a second he would even stand a chance in New Jersey. Maybe California where mayors there grant marriages to ....

well actually that's not true either. You see, apparently it's quite the illegal thing to be married in California if you're gay and if you WERE before it's WERE now and not ARE. They don't allow those things there now.


there are people right now being raped. there are people being beaten for the pennies they managed to scrape from the scraps on the counter of America while people hyped up on greed and selfishness trample rules so that they can drink from crystal and eat from silver. there are right now millions stealing things so that they can sell them so that they can get a little higher for a little longer so that they can steal things so that they can sell them so that they can get high. there are a billion bombs going off everyday, people who erupt with terrible things and spew hatred and ignorance in their wake, obliterating the good and pure in this world. everyday.


There are tons of worse things, much much worse things, than being gay.
*********************************anyone and THEIR governor was an action star who had to rip someone no one wanted out of the office. It's no holds barred there)has brought disgrace to his office because he used a sham of a marriage to try to bring tourists to the state by using commercials.

While it's funny he did bring more news personnel using a gay sex life than he did by advertising a straight marriage life, my point is this.

Almost no one I know knew. Almost.

There were a few. People at work knew. We all check the news all the time there because I think everyone working there realizes there's a whole world going off all around us and we itch if we don't know what's going on in it. We work at a trade publication to look at as much history taking place right now, albeit within the confines of the mortgage industry, so as to see everything with an all encompassing eye. So, when a politician admits he's gay after putting out promotional commercials with him buddy buddying his wife apparently because his wholesome message through family life slants were just used to get more people to waste money at Atlantic City or something, it's something you prick your ears up and go "huh?"

I don't even care about the mortgage industry that much but I do follow news.

A slew of people won't though. And of those that do, barring a huge gay protest or public reaction to this man's either ridicule or criticism, because once it deals with a gay issue there are thousands of people who will call attention to it to make sure everyone sees that gay people are suffering from something no amount of fingerpointing will ever kill in those commiting those horrors by openly bashing the oppressive nature of someone having to step down from office because he was gay, I think this whole issue just might get passed over.

That's right. A gay man left office today due to his sexuality but I bet you no one will talk about it in 2 weeks.

Because there's a war.

And we've invaded a holy site.

In fact, almost everyone I knew today knew that.

They also found out about the two people who were electricuted to death because they were parked above exposed wires in a flash flood and the line hit the water when they tried to get out of their car and fried them.

But that, that will pass as well unless someone does something to try and clean this type of thing happening again by supporting means to help make electricity lines thicker and have them be buried deeper so they can't be exposed and ensure that this doesn't happen ever again despite the fact that you should never leave your car in a flood unless that shit is coming over the top of your car and by that point, even if you DID get out, you'd be fucked anyway.

Because we're at war.

Although, I do find that TV is slowly trying to get back to the way it was before 9/11. There are two cases going on right now in courts that get everyone's attention because they are a journalist's wet dream. What better bad guy than someone who is allegedly trying to get away with killing his wife and dumping the body (that was pregnant as well) and the baby and mother washing up later. Also, let's throw into the mix that he had a girlfriend on the side that he told he was in Europe for a while and she believed him. He was married and didn't tell her, he may or may not have killed his wife and fetus child and on top of all this, she suspected something and got police custody after taping over 300 or so phone messages. Of course, his wife was a beautiful woman, his girlfriend was a sexyish woman and he looks like, well, I don't know. Not repulsive or anything. Not like the 1031 pound man who lost 300 some odd pounds and wants to lose 400 or so more because his life long goal is to just walk next to his wife, something he could have prevented not being able to do a couple hundred pounds ago but now has to do in extreme measures because he's so enormous.

And then there's Kobe Bryant, who bent some girl over a chair and supposedly raped her. And I guess the people who had sex with her before that must have raped her. And the person after she was raped by Kobe but before she was tested for rape, that guy raped her. As well as all the other people who were selfish enough to have sex with her, most likely completely against her will.

Of course, if Kobe Bryant was head janitor at Lynbrook High School, she wouldn't bend herself over a chair while she was doing a strip tease in an expensive hotel room. Kobe wouldn't even be able to afford to set that up with a prostitute who would just charge money for it. He's an NBA star, someone recognized around the world and who is on TV. Sure, let's seduce a tall, athletic man by stripping down damn near naked and shaking my goods at him.

Married man? Even better.

Let's try to turn him on as much as possible. Did I come back to his hotel room after he most likely hit on me for a while? Yeah. Of course, there's no need to do anything ABOUT it. I can just think that going back to the hotel room of a famous person, who is rich, and turning them on as much as possible and then leaving is all that will happen.

Of course, if she really thought that it happened like that instead of her saying CHA-CHING! in her mind about the settlement she was going to get just saying he raped her after having sex with him, well then, I guess she can take him to court.


She really could have just turned him on, screwed him and left, vowing she'll never be poor again because of the residue of Kobe residing between her legs as if it were a PIN code to his ATM account.

Honestly, these are terrible things.

AND they are year 2000 ATROCIOUS things, things that would be the focus of every single eye in America. NOTHING else would even matter at all.

And now we're at war. And we pay attention to that more. Kobe will be gone and it will just be Najaf. Laci's killer husband will probably die in a cell or a chair with a needle in his arm given to him by the state, but it will disappear.

But we will pay attention to the war the entire time and people will know the geography of Baghdad better than their own city.

And that scares me.

Not that we're at war or that there are terrible things going on everywhere.

But because the only things we would have had to worry about these days if we weren't fighting this war are criminal husbands who lie, cheat and kill.


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