Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2004-08-27 - 1:31 p.m.


That's from Beck by the way.

I know I should be more bothered by it. In fact, it most likely happens on such a daily basis but no one ever catches it that even when you do, it's like "ehhh that's how it is."

But how do you react when one day, the headline for two Russian planes falling to the Earth goes from accident to terror to accident to undeniably terror?

The first headline I saw was that the two planes had gone down from some accident. One was accounted for and the other missing. How you could be missing a huge pile of flaming metal and wreckage is beyond me, but this is Russia we're talking about here so I'll let that one go.

The second headline I heard was that the panic button was hit, that someone threw up a flag on the ship and alerted people before it went off the radar that they were being hijacked. So it was considered an act of terrorism. People heard blasts, saw explosions in the sky, so it's not that hard to figure that SOMETHING must have gone terribly wrong and chances are, it is terror related. Things don't seem to just blow up anymore - it's usually on someone's twisted agenda to do so.

Then, up until about 10 PM last night, it was classified as "an accident". Despite an S.o.S. call, obvious attempts to say they were being hijacked, as well as differnt personal accounts of hearing explosions in the sky, it was classified as "an accident, but terror has been ruled out."

Then they found bomb residue all over the motherfucker.


I'm as skeptical as the next person. In fact, I don't even know how true THAT statement is. But I do know this. All they had to do was not tell us about bomb residue and the news becomes "Planes mysteriously go down in Russia."

Now apply that to anything.

A plane accidentally going down is significantly different than someone blowing it up in mid-air. And while things will undoubtedly leak to the media (it's kind of hard to keep two piles of flaming wreckage a secret) exactly WHAT is leaking to the media is always under suggestion.

"Don't believe everything that you read; you get a parking violation and a maggot on your sleeve."


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