Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2003-01-01 - 1:29 p.m.


Happy New Year, Motherfuckers!

"Yeah, that's just what religious militants want for the Pope to tell them to stop fighting. The Word of God to Allah's crew. No wonder they're trying to kill us. Only YOUR parents are allowed to tell you to be good or you'll get a time out." - on reading that the Pope wants people to stop fighting, because.

So it's new year. Last year, I was sick with a 103 degree fever. This year, I was just fuming mad.

I was supposed to go up to Plattsburgh, to my house, so that I could spend time with my friends there as well as be able to get as rocked as shit and not have to worry about coming home or driving or fucking anything. I just wanted to be so messed up I didn't know forwards from backwards (that happened once in Lowell. It was fun). But, I couldn't find any good way to get upstate that would not have me sitting on a train for ungodly amounts of time for an ungodly amount of money. Stupid train system.

So I stayed here. In Lynbrook.

I didn't plan anything, figuring (A) I could always FIND something going on or at least go out and make somehting happen or (B) Something would turn up.

Two things turned up. I could go out and hang out with Pete from Plattsburgh, or I could go out and hang out with Pete from Commack.

Now granted, Plattsburgh called first, but it sounded like I'd be a tag-along to a party he was going to, a party full of people he didn't know that he was undoubtly going to just to hook up with this girl there. Which would have sucked, because I hate to feel like I'm tagging along. It's nothing personal to Plattsburgh Pete. I didn't mean any form of insult. It's just that I felt it was his time to have and I would just sit there and feel uncomfortable while a party went off around me.

So I went out to Commack.

My logic for this was that I knew people there, that a party there would at least be reasonably better than the other one solely on the fact that I would know a good percentage of people out there. Everyone in that crew is fucking awesome and I was going to have a good time. MY good time, not someone else's.

Well, that's not TOTALLY true.

Mehr calls me about an hour before I left, looking to see what I was doing. I told him I was heading out to a party, and he wasn't doing shit. So, despite having had absolutely no sleep, he decided to come out with me. When he called, I was still planning on going out to hang out with Plattsburgh Pete. By the time he got here, we were going to go to Commack. I asked Plattsburgh Pete if he wanted to come with us, because we both agreed that we were both making hasty plans and if something else better came up, we could always just go there. He said ehhhhh and decided to go put his face in someone's lap. That's fine. I would have done the same thing. It was HIS party. Why would he come to someone else's party?

So Mehr and I drive out to Commack, only to find we're about an hour early to get there, so we decided to go get Taco Bell (which we never found because I don't know anything about Commack) and piss away time driving around because we were so early. I ended up getting really lost. REALLY lost. We saw a bunch of pretty fucked up Christmas decorations. One house had white lights all the way up to the top of these 80 foot tall trees. It was the single most ludicrous and outlandish thing I have ever seen. That's about it though. That's the highlight of the trip.

We get to Commack Pete's house around 9:30ish. He's shitty already and wasn't even supposed to leave. It was kind of funny. He's just walking away getting yelled at. That's funny. We go to Mike's house, where I find my cousin sitting around with a bunch of people. Which was weird, because we didn't know either of us were going out there. I don't think she was supposed to be there anyway, which is also funny. We eat homemade Zeppolis and wait a few minutes, then we head out to this girl Lisa's house, who I have no idea who she is.

This turns out not to be the LAST person who I don't know who they are.

We get there and according to the conversation there and from the sight of the place, this was a party that wasn't planned on being big. This was supposed to be a small gettogether, at a house whose parents were gone. It turns out to be more or less a crashed party. On top of that, I still to this day have no idea who's house it was.

So Mehr and I are standing there, in this girl's dining room, with the entire crew I knew sitting at the table. There were no more seats and I wasn't about to go rummaging through a house of someone that I didn't even know for seats.

See, I'm a very outgoing person, apparently. I've been told this. Only thing is, I only act that way when I'm comfortable. When I'm not, I tend to do absolutely nothing and sit there until it's over and tyr my best to relax and enjoy myself. But, when you end up sitting in the living room because you're tired and there's nowhere else to sit, on top of that, you brought the only person you're talking to and he's fucking dead tired, you tend to think something isn't right.

This isn't a mark against the Commack crew either. They're all awesome people. I said that before. But this was THEIR party. And even that party was on loaner. But it wasn't MY party. I felt like a, well, a tag-along to a party I was going to, a party full of people I didn't know. And to have to tow Mehr around felt like I was insulting him too. He was dead tired. He was going to pass out in the chair before the ball even started to fall down. And then people would write on him and he didn't need that.

I just felt uncomfortable. And sober. And I knew I couldn't drink like a motherfucker or get so smashed that I didn't know forwards from backwards. I'd know goddamn up down, left and right. Even the B A B A start. I would end up sipping a few rum and cokes, drink some champagne, be COMPLETELY sober and upset and end up getting up at 7 in the morning (one of my favorite stipulations of the party) and end up driving home. All the way home from Commack. Which is a good distance.

When Jake returned from a beer run without my Soda (which I even joked about to remind him to get me soda, saying "Come on, I can't drink dollar bills) I used it as a chance to get away and maybe someone would notice and maybe not. I didn't want to make a big scene and I didn't want to make it look like "ehhhhhhh fuck you. I'm just leaving". I grabbed all my booze, walked it out to the car, grabbed Mehr (who, if you know him, is fucking impossible to get to do something when he feels like fucking around and being a dick, which he felt like because, let's face it, it was a funny thing to do. If it wasn't to you) and I left at 11:00 PM and was in my house peeing at 11:23.

I drive mother fucking fast as hell. Especially when upset.

So that was New Years. I busted open my Korbel that I bought and drank like a motherfucker. Not enough for up and down or anything but enough where it took the edge off. Happy Fucking New Year.

If this is how this year is going to start, man oh man am I really fucked. My New Year's resolution? If I fucking make plans, I should stick to them.

Next time I plan on being in Plattsburgh, I'll be there.


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