Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2004-07-01 - 3:03 p.m.



I saw Napolean Dynomite last night.


Well, go. In fact, see it and prove me wrong. Although I can appreciate using quirks for a joke, two hours laughing at someone talking funny actually isn't all that funny. Sure, there are great moments in the movie that are hilarious. Sure, the characters are so weird you have to laugh every once in a while.

But that's just it. You HAVE to laugh. It all shoved down your throat. It's all contrived and forced. There are slapstick moments, like where...well I don't want to ruin it for you, even though there is no plot to ruin. In fact, the one thing I can say was consistent in that movie was I constantly asked "what the hell is going on?" Everything is thrown at you like a steak at the head and you reel from it, rubbing your skull and wondering what the heck just happened.

That is Napolean Dynomite. It is a movie about nothing, starring no name stars, put together by MTV Movies and full of goofball humor.

An interesting note though - I don't think I heard one curse the entire movie. That's amazing. That's about all that was amazing about that movie.



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