Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2002-12-23 - 7:07 p.m.


R.I.P. Joe Strummer. MMM the numbness

Belmonaut: dude

Belmonaut: joe strummer is dead

Mr.Lynch: no dude

Mr.Lynch: I know I read

Mr.Lynch: heart attack

Belmonaut: thats shitty

Mr. Lynch: but "peacefully"

Mr. Lynch: I know

Belmonaut: puh

Belmonaut: peacefullyu

Belmonaut: bullshit

Belmonaut: what the hell is peaceful about a heartattack

Belmonaut: the word "attack" is in it

Mr. Lynch: mmm the numbness

Mr. Lynch: that's what his wife said

Mr. Lynch: to cnn

Belmonaut: mmm the numbness?

I believe that will do just fine for my reaction to that. Thank you Mr. Lynch. Apparently, these things write themselves.


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