Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2002-12-26 - 11:26 a.m.


Merry Day AFter Christmas

Crazy week. Oh yeah, and merry christmas.

I've been thinking about it and I don't think that I've sat still for more than 5 minutes since I got home. ISn't this supposed to be a BREAK? The only thing that's going to break is my sanity. I think I'm going to go fucking nuts from lack of sleep and from being so drunk.

So Christmas. Oh so fun. I love Christmas. It's one of my favorite holidays of the year

with Thanksgiving being the numero uno....any day revolving around getting drunk and stuffing your face with food beats giving presents away. Sorry, I'm just not that much of a material person. Besides, Christmas is all sorts of messed up. IT's supposed to be a major Catholic holiday, but it's practices are based in pagan beliefs and besides, egg nog tastes like shit compared to Thanksgiving's official drink: beer.

It's been a good year too. The following is the official "I got that" list, in no other order than the order I remembered them after playing video games for 10 hours last night and waking up no more than half an hour ago:


  • Playstation 2 - This has to get mentioned first and foremost because I've been waiting for this forever. WEll, not forever, but it's an awesome gift and the fact that my parents bought it in Plattsburgh and we were driving around with it in the car without me ever knowing makes me laugh and impresses me as to my parents abilities to hide htings under my nose without me realizing. Plus, it's a DVD player as well.

  • Tony Hawk 4 and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City - Either way, if I got one or the other, I'd swear off going outside forever. Now that I have both, I'm going to have to find a way to work in my house so that I never have to leave it. I did get a letter from some guy from Africa telling me about some 40 million dollar deal, but it turns out thats horseshit. I really could have used that. Thanks Lying Africa Man.

  • Socks - They go on your feet. They keep them warm. God bless socks.

  • 2 packs of white shirts - Because the beginning or every Belmo outfit starts with a white t-shirt. It's a scientific fact, like the law of gravity and the fact that buffalo wings are perfection in food.

  • More cologne - because I smell like shit. Well, body odor, but you know what I meant. I don't roll around in shit or anything to give myself a shit smell or something. Anymore.

  • Pajamas with half naked women on them - I don't know why. On top of this, my mom bought these. Who would have thought that this was a sutiable way to say "Hey Jesus, way to be born today. There are women in bikinis on my legs keeping me warm. Thanks a bundle." Odd, but still a good pair of pajamas, so I don't mind.


That's about it. There's probably more. That list includes what I got from aunts and uncles and crap. I also got a bunch of money but ehhhh that's not important. Then agian, I'm sure all the rest of it isn't improtant either, but whatever. I like making lists.

Time to go run over strippers, cut homeless people up with a chainsaw and then turn the game off and go outside.

Well, two out of three isn't bad.


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