Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2004-07-16 - 8:47 a.m.



RE: Are you looking for better intercourse?
-A spam email I got.

Brother, at this point, I'm looking for any intercourse, even bad intercourse.

Hell at this point, I'm looking for bad dry humping, even going so far as to say bad high school making out, where everyone's clothes stay on and you just kind of mash your bodies together at the mouth and just kind of writhe all over each other.

Fuck it. I'd be settled with just bad making out, just kind of kissing and holding and like putting your hand on their face to hold their kiss closer.

Awww, who am I kidding? I'd even settle for something as little as bad cuddling, just awful laying there and holding someone close to you, maybe a soft kiss every once in a while.

Anything, ANYTHING, but being alone, Mr. Spam Mail.

And throw in some of those Make my penis bigger pills while you're at it.


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