Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2003-02-09 - 11:22 p.m.


You know, the little things in life

"well, stevo left a plate on the table and didn't clean it up. That's the best story I got for today. Of course, the kitchen flooded" -said after studying for a test in the first time since high school. tonight.

I wanted to think of today as the day that I drove out of our house with Shpunt and Stevo (yes I drove - wanted the window down to put the elbow out, slamming the air as it whizzed past my car, screaming and barking because I dared to hit it. Tearing down the street with a grin, knowing that since I don't even own a car, the fact that I'm driving one was enough to make me enjoy the fact that I was. I opted more for crumbled to the steering wheel, waiting for the heat to kick in. It's hard to keep the window down going that fast in -20 degree weather.) and we walked onto Lake Champlain, not to walk to some mere cluster of rocks lazily beaten as a trail because I have god mode on in the video game of life with frozen lakes. Think of every game you've played and cheated (damn you how you cheated you bastard bastard gamers you) and you laughed while you defied logic of any void of thought because you can wiggle joysticks and pound keys.) now think of the ability to see down a lake from on top of it because it is frozen. Now take that thought and turn it into "Let's go walk to that island over there, the one a half mile across the lake over there. Because we can now." And way after that, way after memory, when I played darts with Shpunt and won for once and once felt proud of myself and at the same time fucking pissed, because now he's pissed and wait a second, the simpsons comes on, ehhh fuck it, let's watch the simpsons.

Who cares who won? Because the kitchen flooded.

That's what I'll remember tomorrow about today.

The fucking kitchen flooded from the second floor bathroom.


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