Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2003-02-08 - 11:55 a.m.


Ice Trek

"Having a drug breifcase in a demonstration with a huge crack rock but no form of weed is like letting two lesbians with strap ons fist each other on the NBC Nightly News, but not allow them to curse when they do it." - There is no explination I could think of that would justify this to you, but this was said today.

I got a hurcut. My hur was too furry. No one likes you when you're hurry.

So lately it's been a pretty intense week. The cable man came to shut our cable off because apparently like owing like $299 is like totally not cool. So I threw a bunch of money at him and threw him out the door. And now the cable still doesn't work properly.

The other day, I walked on the water. UnJesusly, it's because it was frozen, but I don't think I've ever seen so much water frozen. It was like a vast alien planet, with winter blowing all around me. Snow fucking slapping me in the face and laughing, whipping around my head with intensive intention, seemingly trying to mock me while it spun around me and just made me cold. The water was at least 2 feet deep in ice, a 2 foot thick floor floating on some enormous bathtub wedged between Burlington and Plattsburgh. There were dark, jagged edges popping out of the ice, some frozen waves in a snapshot pose, like someone paused the lake for a while. This ice was not blade friendly; anyone who thought in the least that this rocky ice was skateable deserved trying it, and then falling down face first into a jagged, unforgiving ice beating. The Finger Rock, a sight I've only seen pointing out to whatever I have no idea where was now wagging at me, almost as if to say "Why are you walking on dangerous ass ice?" I couldn't answer with anything except that I had the urge to walk a 5 mile trail in only 1 mile. If I went out to the summit of that trail on the trail, it would have taken me about 5 hours. I was there and back in 2. It was a very fun experience and although it wasn't anything extrememly flashy, it was fucking fun.

I'm gonna go watch the news and see if anything interesting turns up.


Last Few

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