Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2002-02-15 - 11:00 p.m.


Long time, no pee

"Times they are a changing" - Bob Dylan

I just used a Bob Dylan quote there. Pretty soon I'll be eating granola and wearing afghans while I throw a frisbee around and fight for world peace.

Or maybe I'll eat a burrito.

Ehhhh beans are more fun.

So, I blow the digital dust off of this baby and take 'er out for a spin once again. I just came home from Phattsburgh for the weekend.

"Why?" you might ask, or the voice in my head is acting up again.

Well, you see, my uncle is getting hitched.


One more person to show me that, yes indeedy do, I can't find someone special and they can.

"Look, idiot. Anyone can do it. Fuck, I did it. Go find a girlfriend."

He didn't actually say that. Must be that voice again.

Or the 4 beers I had today on the train ride home. It's amazing what you can do if you have both time and money to piss away.

I met this Canadian kid on the train, before I stopped in Albany to pick up my sister...

Who must now die. I've never been so annoyed at one person in one sitting for 3 hours of my life. Simple brother/sister fights are as old as the act of sex, but when you feel like opening the window using your sister's face to shatter it open...well...then you've got way too much aggression. I'm not usually an aggressive person. I'm just a wiseass asshole. We don't do that kind of stuff, we just talk shit...

...and he surprised me by showing me how much of a "business" man he was.

He's a telemarketer that sells tapes of cashier rolls to stupid people in Alabama for $400 for a $20 box of rolls.

This is not an anit-Alabama statement. He ACTUALLY calls Alabama. He said it was the dumbest name he's ever heard. Go figure.

And to the Alabaman audience, if you hear about your "price change" on a roll of paper, tell that Canuck to go fuck himself and fuck himself hard.

To the Canadian audience, stop ripping off hicks and go back to drinking beer too strong for our country and crying about ice skating.

To the ice skating audience, I stopped caring halfway through the part I said "dumbest name ever heard". At this point, I'm on autopilot. So just go fuck yourselves, for good measure.

I'm sorry I'm taking this out on people here, but 10 hours of trains and 3 of pure sibling hell, complete with international scandal and Heineken comedown, I'm surprised I spelled things write at all... hehehehe.

Thanks to Perfect Stranger Jenn, who IM'd me and told me she actually like this garbage, and ultimately caused me to write again in my diary.

I guess I'm doing SOMETHING right.


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