Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2002-02-07 - 2:12 a.m.


I really stopped giving a shit a long time ago

Wow, I'm actually writing in my diary for once.

I've lost myself lately and I don't know where to find it. Or me.

God I'm an English major and I don't know the proper ending for that sentence.

God I'm actually caring about it.

This school is doing great and terrible things to me, because although I'm using the myself to the highest ability, I really am distraught with all the extra crap I have going on lately that makes my temples do this.

Oh you couldn't see me do that. You couldn't see me make explolsion motions by my head.

Oh well, I guess this means I'm growing up or something.

Or I'm just bored.

You know, either or.


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