Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2002-11-13 - 10:41 a.m.


Shorty Story

Belmonaut: they didn't know what to say

Belmonaut: the girl who lead the attack pretty much turned red in the face, because when I commented on shit she said, I looked straight at her and made it obvious I was cramming her foot in her mouth by shoving it up her ass to where her head was

I said this today.

apparently, this came out of my mouth not even minutes later.

Belmonaut: apparently
Belmonaut: I havent used my dick for more than pissing and stroking in the longest time
bmrl: damn
Belmonaut: I think I'll donate it to some priest who was castrated, because at least they touch children so tehy'll have some use for it
Belmonaut: more than I do
bmrl: oh god
Belmonaut: dude, seriously, I'm beginning to wonder if its me or not, like maybe I stepped in dog shit but this dog shit was like voodoo dog shit, so that everytime I walk by members of the opposite sex all they smell is dog shit
Belmonaut: seriously

apparently, I have gone mad.


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