Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2003-04-04 - 12:35 a.m.



It's goddamn late at night, or goddamn early, too early to tell which of who, while I know what I'll see is the best of the vital. Happy Birthday and all that shit man shit just doesn't get much better, never terrible or lavish, squandering or common sense. Nows the day you popped out screaming into madness full with demons with the shreds of hope in parents sibling relatives and friends! Nows the day to celebrate your present state, born free from wombical fortress of old. Now the rush to continue, to run to the finish, I'm famished and tired and broke. I go to my times of happiness while waiting for it in times old. I know what I know, and I can't's knows know mo. I know that don't make sense, and this neither. Happy Birthday to me and I can't even notice, for me it's just day after day with these people and the time grows with age, and we all grow with age, and we all grow and gray and most of fun will fall. Nope. No rhyme there. That's just silly cheezy. I'm just really messed up and really happy at the same time because it is, indeed and in fact, to the question of those who question, a happy birthday.

Go get messed up tonight for me. Go have some fun tonight.

It's my damn berfday.


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