Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2003-04-06 - 9:31 p.m.


Yo baby whats up!

Here's what you do.

You take a Belmo.

Any Belmo will do. Please, no imitation Belmos.

Then to this Belmo, you add the following:

6-7 shots of Bacardi Limon
5 Gin and Tonics
6 beers
a Jack Daniels and Coke
3 Rum and Cokes
a whole huhuhuuhuhuh of the WOOHOO to the head
Absolute lack of any sleep whatsoever
A new girlfriend

Then you proceed to ....


I have a girlfriend now.

That's sort of weird for me to say, seeing as I've generally been against all forms of relationship for so long and after having an all out personal Cold War with woman kind and all. Yeah. I guess those things just end.

And she's kick ass too. There's just no fucking denying it. The girl can make me fucking cry from laughing. And she's also one of the sweetest people I've ever met.

When she's not busting my friggin balls.

So where does that put me? Where am I now, months and years misplaceed from any dating and immediately thrown into a relationship? Well, dizzy for one thing. I haven't slept at all lately because of the whole "I'm going to sleep in not my bed tonight and not one of us will sleep at all and get all pissed off we're tired but still do nothing to remedy it" stage of things. As if sleep went out like ass tight jeans and teased up hair.

So now I'm going to be poor and stupid, unable to think due to lack of sleep and with no money to do anything interesting with all that free time.

Sounds fun.


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