Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2002-03-18 - 10:40 p.m.



"I've got a wild stare in my eyes...and I've got a strong urge to fly...but I got nowhere to fly to...fly to...fly to..." - Pink Floyd "Nobody Home"

I'm home.

It's break.

Why doesn't this fucking feel like a break?

First motherfucking thing first.

The weather should officially take it's weather head right out of it's weather ass.

It went from 25 to 65 to 14 to 70 to 30 to 50 to -20 to 6 to 70...

You get the fucking point.

I left Plattsburgh laughing because it snows like everyday there, even though it has been a dry winter. It still snowed more this winter up in Plattsburgh and in the Plattsburgh area than the last 5 seasons here.


I swear, this is no fucking Spring Break. It doesn't SLEET on you in the Spring.

And about the Break part... what a crock of shit.

I spent my time doing office work today.

Please refer back to older diary entries on the Belmo stance on office work.

Here, I'll save you the trip. It makes my soul cry.

I spent 10 hours today double checking idiocy. How do I know it's idiocy? Only idiots can't add, in this day and age where even your underwear has a fucking calculator in it.

Then, I got to look at these checks that are definitely not mine. They say a balance of tens of thousands of dollars. Unless that's a tuition bill, it can't deal with me.


On every single one of the motherfuckers, the following quote (which has been preserved INTACT solely for your entertainment) was stamped to every one of them for one of the offices:

Was your visit
a perfect "10"
from the Cypress Branch

Now, I know that when you quote someone and there's a mispelling and you spell it as it was written, you give a little [sic] action. You put the [sic] there and people don't say "Wow, this fucker just quoted someone and they can't even spell it right with it written in front of them."

This is far from the truth here.


There is no [sic] for [retarded].

That's it. I'm inventing my own grammatical marking. If you see this on any of your papers:


...it's time to stop eating paste.

Now, with a simple ugggggh, you can change this sentence from GUH? to OOOOOOOOH! Here, see if you can tell the difference:

Was your visit
a perfect "10"
from the Cypress Branch????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

See any difference? Forget that it still reads like idiot talk.

I think I really am an English Major at heart and just figured it out. And now I'm scared and need new underwear.

My main focus on break is to finish as much as I can of the poetry book. That way, when I do go ask for the rights to use photographs for this dead woman's work, I don't come to them like "pretty please with sugar on top let me use it..." but rather show them actual work.

I'm more pissed off than is good for me right now.

I found possibly the greatest job in the world online today. It's an internship with Harcourt Publishing, where I'll learn the ropes of publishing at 10 bucks an hour for 10 weeks in the summer.

Of course, there are only 2 positions open for the course on this coast of the country. Anyone reading this on the other side of the country (and I'm sure both of you are happy to be here) and that lives within commuting distance to San Diego, there's two WEST coast positions too.

Bringing the grand total of positions that this company offers for this amazing job to 4. 4 people will do this job this summer.

I want to be 1/4 of that.


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