Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2003-04-23 - 9:54 p.m.


Goodbye internet for a while

So I'm losing my internet today, for the next 3 weeks. I just joined Friendster and ArtConspiracy.com, both highly enjoyable experiences. The reason I'm losing this internet access is basically I didn't give any money to the cable company because they drink the blood of small children for sustenance and also charge ungodly amounts of money for flipping a switch on some box somewhere that turns your cable TV into cable internet. That little switch costs 45 more a month so that I can easily look up pornography and drinking games, while streaming videos of the monkey who picks his butt and falls down off the log, followed by sports bloopers and downloaded episodes of the Family Guy...

which fucking came back on television this past Sunday, because apparently people CAN take their heads out of their asses and realize true comedy when they see it. It's better than the Simpsons. Come on, bring it on. Bring your worthless and trivial claims that the Simpsons is funnier. Want to look at the facts? Which of the two was taken off the air 3 times because it was too offensive? Look at the quality of early Simpsons episodes, in the first 3 seasons, and tell me how they fare to Family Guy's first 3 seasons. I don't care if the Simpsons is like the lexicon for adult cartoon humor. I could give a shit less which stars guest starred for 2 minutes, did a piss poor job of acting just so they could get money and advertise other things that get them money and basically cause a cheap feel over anyone who is watching. The Simpsons is an amazing television show that has stood the test of time and has endured all these years.

But fucking Family Guy is just fucking better.

I can't say that I'm going to be sad to see the internet go though. Oh sure, the warm feeling you get to have any and all information at your finger tips while IMing links to your friends so they can see the Hampster Dance homepage while downloading MP3s to listen to while you wait for the third movie you didn't want to pay to see downloading right now is alluring. IT's comforting to be able to post your favorite song lyric as an away message while you check email and read the latest Yahoo! headline about how the US is doing over there, and how we're doing here. This is true.

It's also fun to run your mouth in HTML all you want. Motherfucker.

But I don't see myself getting upset at all about it. I'll have some rough spots where I just have to find out what the temperature is by my house so that I can see why the people at Shea Stadium are bundling up (it was only 42 degrees in Shea tonight...and I say only 42 in terms of it being warm. This is a Plattsburgh developed syndrome). But after that, I can't see any problems...

Besides internet withdrawal, and the urge to kill all in front of me to sate it.


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