Leave me a Note, Damn It!
link to diary critic

2001-12-19 - 8:41 p.m.


Sippin on Gin and Juice, laid back.

So I drove for 10 hours today, with my cousin Bridget, to pick up my sister in Albany, but not without doing like 100 billion things before leaving. I mixed Red Bull and Ginseng extract so that I could actually stay awake for the trip and I got to tell you, a dash of vodka and it would be the narcotic equivilant of a speedball. I was toasted on just the Red Bull and Ginseng.

The In the End video for Linkin Park makes no fucking sense. For that matter, neither does the one for Hashpipe (I'm sorry, H***pipe.) They both just played back to back on MTV just now. My TV damn near expoded.

Just why in the fuck did the Pinkerton album not do good by the way? I listened to it on the ride and for the life of me, every song on that CD is fucking great.

Ugggh sumo asscheeks.

I also listened to "hurt" by NIN, possibly one of the most desperate songs ever. Although Rollout is my theme song, that is the theme song for my trip.

Ok, Sum 41 is probably one of my least favorite bands of alltime, but the video for "In too Depp" is great after you mute it. Anyone who's seen Rodney Dangerfield in "Back to School" can at least appreciate the ending.

Also they have a slip and slide in it and everyone knows that slip and slides make everything better. I've been told it makes drinking fantastic.

Now I'm watching a commercial for Jack Black's movie "Orange County". I think I'm gonna find the Tenacious D video tonight before I go to bed.

I really don't have anything fun to say today. I've been stretched to my limits physically, emotionally and spritually.

Today, I had a half an hour conversation of my grandma and grandpa slowly dying with my cousin. Everything I pushed down and forgot about is fucking exploding in my head. Mix this with recent events and complications and you've got one disgruntled Belmo. Plus, I don't have my radio here to take a shower and listen to music to calm me. I also haven't smoked a cigarette in almost 3 months. I also haven't smoked up in a while, coming off of everyday. Even 4 days is a while when you smoke everyday. This change in chemical balance and emotional stance, I'm all over the place upstairs.

Wow, I just heard the fucking greatest thing come off of MTV. Probably the deepest thing ever on MTV. They are doing this thing for MTV news where they ask these people who are living in Afghanistan, newly freed from Taliban rule. This was one guys quote when asked what's the best part about being able to hear radio or even listen to a tape deck again:

"You need them, the soul needs certain things. If we didn't watch if we didnt listen then what would we be?

Something along those lines. I don't have the best memory after a gin and tonic, emphasis on the gin.

Ahhhhh that's right, although I have forgone my other 2 of 3 vices of nicotine (good old Vitamin N) and weed (good old Vitamin THC), I still turn to my original sin. My secret lover. Good old Booze. The only way booze leaves me is through an orifice.

I have now just devalued whatever good was previously said in my entire diary with that one line. I think it made baby Jesus cry.

Oh yeah, it's almost Christmas. I bet I don't get my number one thing on my list.

Contentment. I've given up on happiness at this point. I'd settle for just waking up feeling nothing, let alone happy.


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