Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2001-12-17 - 12:06 a.m.



OOOOOOOOOOOO damn has this been a trip...

Lowell vacation 2 over with...I see too much drama. Everyone chill the motherfuck out or I'm gonna boot all of you in the ass. I came to visit at the worst possible time, with everyone taking finals and shit. Go me.

And on a shitty note, Tape is clinically depressed. What the prozac is going on here?

"If nigg@ adont go to school, then nigg@ dont get a job. If nigg@ adont get a job then nigg@ dont get the BMW 7 series nigg@!"

Wow, japanese people are funny.

I got closer to Jay this weekend, as we were fucking lushes supreme (at points, the only people in Sheehy drinking it seemed). He's been beaten up a lot lately and he needed a good old fashioned Belmo kick in the balls. He also rocks my shit.

*This is the official Heidi part of the diary. She put me in hers this time so this is the Heidi part*


*This is the @ndy Reassuring part of the diary. Heidi is a fucking awesome girl @ndy, you're lucky.*

I was born of a blow up chair today. I'll have the pictures to prove it.

These words actually came out of my mouth today

Belmonaut: its like saying "you mean the most to me out of anyone in the world" and then leaving for good after you say it

Belmonaut: thats like a man with a colostomy bag sitting on a toilet

I have a problem telling my true feelings. It's called "I'mABigWussAndICan'tTellAnyoneHowIFeelBecauseI'mABigWussitis."

It's also called "Lack of balls". Look it up, its fun.

I didn't get to say goodbye to Darcie this weekend, which sucked and anyway it doesnt matter. See above about my ailments. I'm a walking go fuck yourself to myself.

My bed is fucking huge now. I got a new bed as an advance christmas present. It doubles as my only christmas present.

All the sex I had in my room has been taken away.

I had the same bed for 18 years now and its gone, and now I have this big full sized imposter there. But on the bright side, I've never had 4 pillows that were all my own before. I feel like I'm sleeping in a Holiday Inn everyday now.

Well, it's only been ONE day, but that's still everyday.

Speaking of sleeping



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