Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2001-09-20 - 11:00 p.m.


Scary Day

Someone finally put my thoughts into words before I could. Mr. Scott has definitely put what I've believed has been a major problem for a long time. The whole time the tragedy unfurled its ugly head on the country, like lap dogs the media has tried to sit in your lap, showing you what to believe...

"We found someone would COULD be responsible, but since we're Americans, we have to be right. This is what is true. It's the American Way on attack. It's the...

Announcer of your choice fumbels papers and mouthing it first comes back with...

The Taliban in....mummble...Afganhistan. That's who is the enemy now. Hate all those like this, because they are probably the enemy. Wait, I just got word, no no no, DO NOT hate those unlike you. The president is landing in Louisiana now to tell you..."

I can't believe we're "fighting a war" and the one person whose head would buy thier family food for decades for free is plastered across television, with caption telling where he is, just where to point the bomb.

Just to show that this case of the world being messed up didn't originate today, but always existed, I woke up today and went to my Nature in Literature class and got tragically woken up by this remark...

But many women wanted this poet for thier own, and many greived over thier rejection. His love was given to young boys only,

Ok holy fucking shit what the hell is going on? It's 9:30 AM and my mind is still asleep but my eyes are shaken with talks of pedophilia...

and he told the hracians that was the better way: enjoy that springtime, take those first flowers!"

That was from the 10th book of Ovid's "Metamorphoses". This stuff is from anchient Greece. I guess even back then, messed up stuff, like pedofilia, was tearing people apart. No pun inteneded, but can be applied.

I went from that class to my Creative Writing Class and I got teh luck of having the whole class dissect my poem. No one got it and I was made to look like a person devoid of talent. This is it:


Sweet bubbling black gold meets
It's pearly white missionary
Exchange is made in black and white
Crash clash clatter melt on the canvas
Disturbing fluid disturbing the piece
Disturbing the peace because peace is disturbing
the taste of the nothing and passive afterglow
Simplicity is simply a waste of your time
While crash clash and clatter are relief for the few
Black white checkered mismash
Were these marks here before

and it's just a highlight?
Crossing boundaries and mismatch
Black white checkered mismash
The bubbling black gold is no Texas Tea.
Nor the pearly white virgin a chaste or celebate
These two players are nothing more than images
Pictures thrown up to fool you
Crash clash clatter and melt to each other
They form a symbiote bastard
No father or mother just one simple parent
Exchange is made in black and white

It's a poem about writing poetry, with the pearly white missionary representing paper, the bubbling black gold was ink and the symbiote bastard was the poem in the end.

They all thought it was a poem about an interracial couple, one being a missionary in a country with black people and they had a child, which was a symbiote bastard.

Most symbiote bastards have no parents. Taht's what regular bastards don't even have.

So, being upset taht I got slammed for my work, I went to do my first radio show ever.

It sucked hardcore.

I messed up real bad and I even put on a wrong song that had a curse. I had to rush in after the guy before me and he left all sorts of crap and I got flusttered. I think it's the first time a little kid hears the word "fuck", but if he did, why are his parents letting him listen to college radio for in the first place? That's the first kind of place that would mess up like that.

So I came back and got together a group of people and we swept the front of my dorm hall and we all got free pizza because I made it a program for the hall (being that I am president). I never thought of it until way later, but it showed me that I would rather pick up garbage than eat the food here at school.

God damn I need Aramark to show me what food should be at school.

And that should show those who know what this is like here.

I hope you didn't shudder like I do.


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