Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2001-09-24 - 11:37 a.m.


The most asshole thing I've ever done.

I'm living in filth.

Although this doesn't exactly lie about my room, which is perpetually dirty since everyone always hangs out in our room anyway, I'm really talking more about the mood I see floating about the internet and the country.

I spent this weekend in Lake George, helping my roomate Shpunt at his job in Cleverdale. The whole area around Lake George is one of the more beautiful things I have ever seen. Mountains and valleys, the lake glistening in the sun, the people were all nice and chill, FRONT DOORS WIDE OPEN BECAUSE NO ONE WOULD EVER ROB THEM. The exact opposite from Long Island. I spent the past 3 days mowing lawns, shucking corn and splitting logs. It was like getting away from it all, but I was working my ass off. Strange; a vacation at work.

And the whole time I never thought about the tragedy. Ever. I didn't care. I just appreciated what was there; the beautiful landscape that screamed out to me to be noticed like a small kid that was ignored for so long it couldn't take it anymore.

And I turn my head away for 2 seconds, and I come back to everyone still feeling like shit. Mr. Scott seems to scream out exactly what's wrong with the world today PT (post tragedy) and its that we have forgotten how to laugh or even express ourselves properly without hurting those affected by this. There are "certain boundaries" we cannot cross now as a country and we cannot have certain things in media.

Fuck that.

Laugh and cry at the same time. Say waht you want. Here's something to get you started well on your way towards recovery:

What's the difference between Vanilla Ice's career and the World Trade Center?

Vanilla Ice only had one hit and it took half the time for him to fall.

Are you pissed? Good, it's at least a step up from feeling depressed. Did you laugh at all at that? I laughed my ass off when I heard that. If it makes me an unpatriotic asshole, then fuck me, I'm an unpatriotic asshole. I just realize that when you let them get thier way, you lose. They win. I did nothing but laugh and relax this whole weekend. Give yourself even 30 minutes to go watch the funniest thing you own and get away from this. Fuck, don't even come back to it. If you're worried that it makes you a bad person, well, it doesn't. The only person who would tell you that you're a terrible person is someone who isn't themselves strong enough to handle this.

I do realize that people lost love ones in this.

Those people are going to have a hard time listening to this. And rightly so.

I don't mean any... fuck it.

See? We automatically feel there's this untouchable area and I fucking don't care for it.

Think I'm an asshole? Go ask a Palenstine or an Israeli what it's like to live in a wartorn country.

We get hit ONCE with a hell of a shot, lose tons of people and we think that its the greatest injustice ever. Anyone cry when a Palenstinian ran into a Israeli disco with his date around his arm? Did I mention his date was 30 pounds of plastic explosives and a dozen people died for (this just in..) NO REASON! Did you cry as innocent family's were charred under fire from us during the Persian Gulf War, as we bombed the fucking shit out of Iraq like cowards and did not relent until ONE MAN said it was fine? Saddam Hussein wasn't elected. He TOOK power, so his beef with anyone definitely did not reflect his country's request.

He felt it was right that he did what he did, and all his people were killed by us. The proud good guys of the world.

How about all the other weapons we gave certain militant groups...


and here's your kick in the balls for the day... if you didn't already know, the US has been supplying the TALIBAN with weapons for decades, going back to Cold War times. It was more beneficial for us to supply them with weapons because they worked with us better than the government there then. Now we can't wait to stick a missle up thier ass. Now let's finish this shit...

...that killed countless people to bring crazed powerhungry dictators to office?

When you look at it, the upwards of 10,000 lives lost in NYC that day don't nearly account for all the lives that are lost DAILY over there, and we don't feel sorry. It's not fucking about countries. People can only feel sad if thier neighbor is dying. Why not your brother as well? I am a HUMAN BEING, not a fucking American. That title was given to me becasue I was born here, but by no means do I feel that means I should only fear for my country. I'm too busy worrying about all those Afganhistan citizens who did nothing to start this war.

We're not fighting countrylines or boundaries anymore. Our enemies are everywhere and in no definitive location. Why strafe bomb innocence when they didn't do anything.

Am I still an asshole? Undoubtly, because a nice person couldn't bring themselves to do this. I'm sitting in the middle of this filthy room and I can almost make out countries on my floor. Dust over there, dirt over there, intolerence in teh corner, ignorence all over. We need to fucking relax for 2 seconds and you can see with clean eyes that this is a war of Human vs. Human and not American vs. the Bad Guy.

I'd rather be an asshole than an ass.


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