Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2002-01-27 - 1:49 a.m.


Frat House Heartshake

All I have to say is I'm back from the frats and I've found a diamond in the rough.

I met probably the only girl...no, woman, that would possibly be compatible with me on any level whatsoever.

She's an art major too. Me likey art majors.

I got harrassed by the RA's today for herbs being smoked in the room, not by me. It doesn't smell a thing like weed, and here was this RA yelling about how she smelled weed. Luckily the police weren't called.

Everything here is moving too fast for words or emotion and I'm out of here soon enough anyway. If I take the jump and go to Lowell, I'm gone and if I stick it out, in a year, I'm gone. Time slips away like so many wasted things and I don't have enough of it to enjoy the times I have...

or the people I could have.


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