Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2001-11-28 - 9:56 p.m.


Fuck this shit

This is the beginning of the rest of your life.

I always hear that phrase pop up when someone is too lazy to tell me just why I should be happy about life.

Its a damn shame, because I've found plenty and I can't stop babbling about it.

Things haven't changed. I don't want anyone to think my life went a extreme change these past few days.

I just still feel like I'm on vacation and I'm going to classes. This school is so easy its scareing me. I almost feel as if I'm forgeting something or neglecting work for some class and I'm just not aware of it. As if I'll wake up tomorrow and go "OHHH FUCK! I didn't go to my pottery 101 or sock puppet theater 101 classes all semester! FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!" and that it would be true.

I mean, there's nothing ACTUALLY stopping me from waking up and saying that. It just doesn't mean its true. AS a matter of fact, tomorrow you try it. Wake up and say those words and see how it affects your day.

And as a side note, if there was any school to offer BOTH of those as majors, it would be this school.

This is supposed to be my "LAST CHANCE ASSHOLE! YOU FAILED, NOW PASS!" semester and the worst thing I've had to worry about here is where the best party is. This is silly, even by Belmo standards. Like fish in a barrel silly. I feel ashamed of myself.

Time to eat all the food I stole from the dining hall. Fuck those fucking fuckers.


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