Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2001-11-30 - 9:35 p.m.


I suck

Want to know how I feel now that the Little BAstard is dead?

Go listen to "Understanding in a Car Crash" by Thursday.

By the way, Elissa, they remind me a lot about our fallen idols, At the Drive In. Enjoy.

I can't even speak at this time. For those that don't know, the Little Bastard was my glass piece, which was broken tonight because I threw a Listerine bottle in the air to break it. The plastic bottle didnt break. The glass bowl did.

Fucking shit.

As punishment, I'm not allowed to smoke for a week.

This is the first time I have admitted to smoking online or in real life to home. I'm sure people have already suspected that I have smoked weed, but now it's fucking stated.

And now the Little Bastard, my pride and joy, is dead.

So now I just might quit weed for good, which is just what I might need for this week, seeing as I have finals coming up.

Or then again, I might be a wreck from withdrawal, seeing everyone all messed up and seeing me completely sober.

I guess I deserve it. I've been dumb.

Sorry to mention you in an entry where I'm an idiot, Elissa. Now I feel like I'm letting down someone I've never met in real life.

Wow, my life is silly.

Ok, time to go be sober and pissed off.

See everyone around.


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