Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2002-12-20 - 9:25 p.m.


E=MC Paul Barman

Belmonaut: I slept with 48 channels of bitch

That came about from a talk with Jay about the Dr. Hump demo. When we recorded it (in one day/night) we slept in the studio and I chose to sleep in the room with the board, with no blanket and my coat as a pillow. I woke up 3 hours later to the owner of the place coming in to check up on the place, and then couldn't go back to bed, so I proceeded to drink 5 or 6 more Coors Originals, which pulled the tally up to about 12 or 13. Pretty heavy drinking for a demo. That was a while ago. I haven't played a bass in months, and even then it was just fiddling around for a few minutes. Let alone play a Hump bassline.

I better start practicing if I'm ever going to record the album in a few weeks....

I'm not promising anything, I'm not stating any solid things, but I tell you one thing, I will be there to do what I can to finally finish the 2 year dormant Dr. Hump album. What we do with it is anyone's guess. But it's been a thorn in my side when I tell people about the oddity that was Hump and I have nothing to show for it. It's like the greatest thing in the world that never happened. Yet.

"Jesus H. Christ! Where the "H" stands for Holy Crap! / to boldly rap into the outer reaches" - MC Paul Barman "Excuse You"

That being said, I packed Paul Phifer's food this week. That's right, Josh Saviano, the guy who played Paul Phifer (despite people's idiotic belief that Marilyn Manson did), may or may not buy his food from Horizon Foods, the company I've been working for this past week. For 60 hours. IF it's not him, then some other guy with his name who lives in NYC loves Horizon Foods. And I packed his food. I didn't take my picture in front of it, nor did I write him a note saying "Loved you in Wonder Years. Do something else now. Love Belmo". But I should have. I think I sneezed on the box. That's about it. That's my faint brush with stardom, a package that may or (most likely) may not have been purchased and later eaten by the guy who played a dork on one of the more memorable of 80's shows. Yeah, it really is sad.

"The way I communicate could make a freakin' Eunic mate" - MC Paul Barman "Excuse You"

In case you haven't noticed already, I'm listening to MC Paul Barman. Quite possibly the song "Excuse You". Go get his album Pallelujiah. It's fucking hilarious and awesome all rolled in one.

I got my grades today too (yeah, it's been a busy day, although this whole week seems like one long day. I worked 60 hours this week). I did fucking awesome except for the D, which, as I see it, was as much as an accomplishment as getting an A- in Writing Fiction, seeing as it was an "E" two weeks ago...

which totally fucks me up. Ok. E makes Sense. A to B to C to D to...E. It makes sense. BUT IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE A "F"! IT'S A "F" FOR FAILURE! FAIL! FAIL! NOT E-FAIL! THIS IS NOT AN E-FAIL! What the cock is going on here? IS it that my school either wants people to feel better by telling them "At least it was an E and not an F" or they can't spell PAST E or they seriously believe in their heart of hearts that fail starts with a silent E? What is it? Either one wouldn't surprise me, but if it's that they want to cushion the blow by changing the letter, then they are only fooling themselves. Listen. You can shit in someone's mouth and tell them it's pudding, but they won't taste anything but shit. Call a "F" what it's called you edouchebags. Look, now they can't get upset because I spelled it with an E. As a matter of fact, from now on, everytime I curse here for the duration of this entry, I'm going to put a efucking E in front of it. So it doesn't efucking insult someone, as per stupid efucking Plattsburgh logic. Efuck yeah, emotherfuckers...

So, I didn't totally eshit the bed. Not TOTALLY.

My lips are so efucking chapped that they feel like someone ripped them off and put lemon juice mixed with salt in my efucking Blistex. Or Chapstick. Or whatever efucking thing I use.

This is efucking stupid.

I'm efucking done.


Last Few

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