Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2002-02-27 - 12:49 p.m.


Finger Fun

So wow, what a difference a day makes...

I feel dirty having just said that.

Yesterday, Tuesday as it were, is solely designed to make Monday look better by comparisson this semester.

My date stood me up. This marks the first time that has ever happened to me. And also, the horrid streak I call a love life is barreling towards a fiery preisthood. At this point, I think I've been re-virginized.

and then there's the classes yesterday. Fun fun fun fun fun. I have 4 hours of homework to do today. How was your day?

And then I got all fucking sick and shit and I couldn't do my radio show last night.

I did however get DJ of the week for last week, which fucking rules. And also, it shows that you too can not try at being DJ of the week and just do what you have to do without messing up and you'll get a CD that proves you're not a complete idiot.

I love winning at something I had no idea I was a contender for.

Wet Hot American Summer has been playing all day today on the movie channel, a movie I one time got lost in NYC on that kookie subway system they got there. Yah subway!


That one goes out to the McGoldrick family.

| = ) -eeeeeeeeeeeeeeee



That one goes out to Lil' Belmo.


PS. That one goes out to Bob Motherfuckin Costas

PPS.That one goes out to me.

Last Few

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