Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2001-12-31 - 9:29 a.m.


Glug glug glug *HAPPY NEW YEAR* glug glug glug

So I've spent the entire weekend with my family; both sides of it. Saturday with my mom's side and Sunday with my dad's side. I can't believe the drastic differences between them and how I was spawned from the combination of both of these gene pools. Always a fun thing to look at yourself as gizz and eggs.

Today is the last day of 2001, oh lah di da. I still don't know where I'm going to go have fun today, as I've been offered about 15 different opportunities to get drunk by myself as I watch other people making out and watch a ball drop. I think something big is gonna go down in New York City tonight and I don't want to have anything to do with NYC. Fuck that, I'd rather walk around a NRA convention with a "Rifles are for silly limp dick faggots" t-shirt and a bullseye painted on my forehead. but I digress...

The new year looms ahead for me like a big iceberg in front of me...Pretty big at first but if you realize the big picture, you'd see it's bigger than you thought. I got my grades back from Plattsburgh last week.

I have a 3.26 average.

So now that my entire family is ecstatic with me finally applying myself (which I didn't really do all that much, just applied the small amount in the right places)now I have to sustain this horseshit. This is why I love failure, because its all too easy to repeat.

So back to this iceberg thing. I know its gonna be a big year. Since years are half of one SCHOOL year and half of another one, I am looking forward to my first semester of my SENIOR year, where I will graduate and leave this lifestyle. Big at first, bigger when I get there. I know I have a lot on my plate for 2002 (if we all survive to see it, thank you warmongerers.) so I'm going to start it off the same way I started off last year, seeing as I've succeded in doing something RIGHT for once this year.

I'm going to start it off drunk.


Last Few

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