Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2002-01-02 - 1:32 p.m.


Happy New Year (goooo)

"That's it. If I'm not getting ass, no one's getting ass!"
-Brian at around 1 AM

"Well at least I remembered her name."
-Brian at around 3 AM


Wow, 2002. A year that even a dyslexic could love because its damn near impossible to read it wrong.

So to say that this was an interesting New Year's is a big understatement. Wanted to hang out with @ndy and everyone from Lowell but I promised my friends at home so long ago that we'd spend it together that I couldn't pass it up. Sorry bro.

Anyway, we ended up going out to Ev's girlfriend Annie Mack's house in Scranton, PA. A house full of probably 50 or more people I didn't know. The whole night was great but there were times where I felt really sick and I had a fever, but was too "partyed out" to notice. I just figured it was the wine making me all flushed or something.

You know what's funny? Binge drinking with a 102 degree fever. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA...huh?

Yeah, I manage to amaze myself sometimes.

Some highlights...Big fat guy in tighty whitey's in the morning...Getting completely douched with champagne when the ball fell...seeing everyone stumble around ridiculously...constant falling ending in catastrophic spills that everyone just sat in anyway...Playing Beer Pong with Brian, and having him act like a complete dick to the other team because we were playing the "pussy way"...hanging out with everyone in general...Jay Cruz trying to come out there at like 5 AM, well after the party was over...Tim Swim's room (enough said)...Joy stumbling around insanely and stealing Jay Williams' blanket...The "Mole" incident (and let's leave it at that)...doing the Fish dance with those girls who were trying to beat this kid who looked like Anthony Venezia in Beer Pong...everyone getting blown away by the radio, which never got put on below the "kiss your speakers and ear drums goodbye" level...The same mix tape playing about 14 times.

Hey, I didn't say they were all GOOD highlights. But they sure were funny.

The ride back was ridiculous. Brian wanted to get back early because yesterday was his birthday, believe it or not. So we left at like 8 AM, after about 3 hours of sleep, and we sat wayyy too many people in the car. I started to feel the effect of my fever like crazy in the car ride, which lasted about 3 hours and was probably the worst experience I've ever had in a car. Not because of those involved but because of the time and discomfort involved. I came home and crashed on my couch at around 11 and found out that I'm severely sick, which I still am. Goody.

So that's my New Years. No fooling around, no explosions in Times Square, no amount of sense the entire two days.

I go to bed now.


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