Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2001-09-29 - 1:01 a.m.


Old School

I got an IM from Eric today.

Eric from Lowell. MR. Scott. And seeing as he's more or less put exactly what my thoughts were to words, I was happy to hear from him, see how he's doing and how the band is going. Stolen Bike Crusade will be big and I can tell it...same with any band coming out of that blessed town. Center of the Earth playing with all the big name bands...your"They Might Be Giants" and your "Nine Days" (which ironically, was about the length of the career of that band) and finally your "Piebald"...Harris shocking everyone with the song Last Kiss on a burnt CD that I carried to everyone and showed them what 5 of the greatest minds coming together as one could do. The bridge at the end with the angelic vocals blare...

"As I'm denied....my fate. As I deny my everything...

...and the room shook with amazement as the pianos bnaged and the guitars shook and the drums crashed and banged in teh explosive ending...Even bands like Seventh Ring and thier metallic rock shooting through the Fox Commons as I played pool and jumped around in happiness...On a Safer Shore and thier emotional stage pressence. Galen's bass dance, which was better than my stupid rolling around in the garbage bag dress/newspaper tuxedo/facepaint smeared t-shirts with black marker on them/only saran wrap costumes. We played as almost like a show; video projections and pornographic images shot around. Dim lighting and sometimes a light show, we'd descend on the crowd and rip through, bowling them over with humor, showmanship, music and whatever else we could get our hands on. We weren't the best at any of the above thins, but we did it to make people laugh and forget about things. Things move on and people as well, with the birthing of will Brierly and the Roller Holsters. I didn't have time to enjoy them becuase of my own personal failure and inability to rise at the call of responsibility...and now here I am.

Wishing that I could see them all right now.

I want to see Eric and talk to him. And Tape, just because he needs a pick up. Find Libby* and give her a long, long hug. Dance with Sue, but fall over. Stop by the good old 503 and celebrate with brothers. Go down to 407 and say hi to some of the best girls I ever knew. End up in 309, joke about race and anything else held sacred while Blatt plays SNES and Matt smacks the tabletops with a whiffle ball bat, Flintstone's style. Sitting down at the Couch with Andy, Melissa and Jesse. and Lee Dude.

I wish I paid more attention to what was happening, not realizing the greatest fortune I ever had was right in front of me.

I'll see you soon brothers.


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