Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2001-10-10 - 1:29 p.m.


Mumbling buffoon

"Why is it ok to talk to yourself?

-Because that way, you're making sure everyone is listening."

So it's been since the end of September since I've updated. I feel like I've pushed it off long enough and without any reason for doing so. A couple of people have even IM'd or emailed me to make sure I was fine and still alive.

I've never even met half of them. Interesting.

So, since then, I've been home, hung out with the Slack Pack, got new pants, drove messy, gotten new hardware, installed surround sound in my room and I got an 87 on my Human Evolution test. Go me.

But something today troubled me. I was dropping off the forms for the Super Mario Brothers Tournament I'm running (yes, in all it's 8-bit glory), and some old guy in our college center tried hocking a book of Gideon's bible to me. Being that I've more or less given up on religion, I didn't feel it was necessary for this guy to sit in our college center and hock a beliefs system. He shouldn't have been selling bibles in college for the same reason I don't sell hot dogs in a church: there's a time and a place for everything. It's kind of funny that way.

And by the way, if they did sell hot dogs in church, I just might go.

Ok, well since I got work to do (which is why I haven't been writing a lot anyway) I'm gonna have to go now.

I'll let you know what I talk to myself about later.


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