Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2001-09-27 - 10:20 a.m.


So drunk

Fucking shit

fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuckity fuck fuck fuck fucking fuck fuck fuck fucker fuck fuck

Now that I got that out of my system, let me delve into this with

fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fucking fuck fuck fuck fucker fuck fuck fuck fuck fucking fuck fuckity

You may be saying "what's all teh fucks about?"


Well, here it goes.

Mayor Giuliani was on television saying that if you are driving by yourself into NYC, and you try to go in under 63rd street, you will be turned around. The police state has finally gotten so that they are checking cars for bombs into NYC. This means that the only way that you can drive into NYC by yourself is using the Triboro bridge.

This bridge empties out into Harlem, at 125th street.

Soo let's just say I'm driving to work by myself and I have to get to 26th street for a parking garage for my job, I have to drive up to lovely Harlem and drive down 100 city blocks, adding 3 hours to my commute to work.

And that's with no traffic.

We suck. we suck so bad. Oh god does this country suck. It must slowly be turning retarded.

I remember having a conversation back in the common room of 503 where we were happy we lived in teh best time to be brought up. Long Island seemed to be made up just for us, all of us that lived there. No major depression or war to taint our youth or happiness. he Persian gulf war was so small to us that we barely knew people were even fighting. Fate opened the waves for us to cross. And it seems it has brought it crashing down on us with this hostle moment in the corner of history we sit in.

In my Media and Pop Culture class, we talked about how the classes in our country, the rich and poor and all in between, determine much of our behaviors. We relate better with the same people in our economic class than those above or below us. We talked about how the richest pull the strings and call the moves, with any aspect of life serving to give them money. The battle cry "The rich get richer and the poor get poorer" is the batttle cry of the ignorant. It doesn't have to be that way. The rich decide it has to stay that way. And they call all the shots because thier interests are what has caused every major war in our times.

This is why we are fighting. A rich man wants another oil buck.

On the bright side, I got a new carpet today. Yah me.

I'm gonna go drink some beers now. At least then I can escape this crap. I'll let someone else go make mistakes for me.

Fuck it.


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