Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2001-10-27 - 2:56 a.m.


Canuck fucks

Je suis pissed off.

Je suis the owner of nothing but Canadian blind rage.

That would be blind rage TOWARDS Canada, or I should say their customs office...

This is one for the fucking books.

I'll get to why I'm pissed off. One thing to get off my chest. I saw a commercial today for these american flags. It cost 14 bucks plus shipping and handling for some flags that stick to your car, whether on a pole or in sticker form. It was a collection of 4 flags, designed to (and I fucking quote with a capital "FUCK") 'promote yuor love for your country and share in the love for our freedom'. At 14 bucks a pop. If you were so worried about politics, you'd just give the flags away. Just another mark on companies making a buck, even on war.

To prove that its not just our country acting ridiculous, Canada just got put on my shit list. I tried to go to Canada to drink with a couple of friends and we pull up to the US customs. One of the kids in the car was 17 and I think there's some kind of law that says you can't bring minors after a certain time without a parent or guardian, but the US customs guy seemed to be satisfied enough with looking at our licenses and said (and I return to a all caps FUCKING quote) "You are FREE TO GO THROUGH NOW". We thought that meant go to Canada, but that meant go to Canadian customs...

WE didn't and rode for 5 minutes illegally into Canada before a customs officer could catch us in his beat up old school minivan with a dinky light on it.

Technically, we invaded Canada.

So, customs felt that the whole declaring things at teh border and actually following the law was important and slapped the driver with a 65 buck ticket (100 Canadian... hahaha your money isnt worth shit), but we were all poor as fuck and couldn;t scrounge 65 bucks between 4 people, since 3 had to hit an ATM and they wouldn't allow us to get to one... so we had to wait for someone to bail us out. 1 hour and a bucket full of comments about how stupid we are later, we were saved by someone's mom and once again I felt like I was in high school, even if only for 5 minutes when we all got reprimanded by someone else's parents.

I pissed all over thier Canadian toilet seat just to show how much I appreciated forfeiting almost 3 hours of my life to a Canadian customs officer.

Now, had this been in different times, we would have been laughed at, warned and sent on our way and right now I'd be drinking. But the Canadians wanted to toy with us. A few of them even said to the main person in charge that it was silly of us and we learned, but that prick still made us pay and we couldn't leave until they had thier money.

Your freedom or your pride of it...

Nothing comes free these days.


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