Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2001-10-28 - 9:45 a.m.


Age? Sex? Arrested for talking to minors?

I just deleted my "Crazy People Who IM me" Buddy Group from my Buddy list. This was the section that I put all of those people that IM me with "a s l" and turn out to be 12 year old girls. I wonder if their parents know what they're doing.

I had to do this because my buddy list is full. I can't fit anymore people into my list and someone had to go. Bye kiddies.

And I also like the loss of that pedophile feeling that it gave me to have 12 year olds hitting on me.

When I was 12, I couldn't even hit a baseball, let alone hit on someone. Where the hell are these kids learning this shit?

I'm playing paintball outdoors for the first time in my life. It's cold and the paintballs are going to hurt real bad. This should be interesting.

GI Joke out in the wilderness.


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