Leave me a Note, Damn It!
link to diary critic

2002-10-09 - 9:52 a.m.



Honk, he said with his horn...


"So what the hell are you trying to do crossing the street like that when I'm flying down the road at 50 MPH," he says

"Just trying to get to the other side," I say.

"Come on, the cars own the roadways. The light is green and I have somewhere to go," he says.

I say "Cars don't own the road. The only reason walkers don't step out into the road very often when a car is coming is because you guys have a 2 ton advantage over us if we had to play chicken."

"Well then you have to move for me, I'm coming through," he says.

"What the fuck are you talking about, dipstick," I say. "I was far enough ahead of you where it didn't matter whether or not you were coming 70 or 100 MPH. By the time you came whizzing past, I would have been at least on the other side of the street."

"But if you didn't make it, I'd have to slow down for a few seconds and I'd be that much later than I already am," he says.

"Oh come on," I say. "How can that be bad at all? You must be joking!"

"Why should I have to be the one waiting for you? If you stop me, then you'll be stopping the cars behind me. Is it fair for all of us to have to stop our lives just because you have to get across the street?"

"Let me get this straight. You mean to tell me that you believe that a few measly seconds are going to drastically change your day and that by me crossing the street and slowing down people who are already speeding too much anyway, that that is going to fuck up everyone's day?"

"Yeah. Your not the only one who crosses the street. Other people jump out too..."

"Other people drive cars."

"Other people will hit you next time."

"I still find this hard to believe that you can't see my side on this," I say.


Honk honk, he says again with his horn.


"So," I say, "you seriously believe that it's unfair for a person crossing the street to hold up cars?"

"You're fucking right about that," he says.

"Well, it takes me goddamn 10 minutes to walk one fucking mile. With driving, you can drive fast enough where you can go a mile in one minute or even less than that..."

"That's bullshit. Cars don't always move that fast. What if there's traffic? What if all the cars on the road are bumper to bumper in a traffic jams? I've seen my car go 3 miles in one hour because of a traffic jam."

"Oh fucking come on. You mean to tell me that you're trying to rationalize this, trying to show me that it's just as unfair for the cars. Listen shithead, to show that we're both exaggerating here, if there's a traffic jam, then it's real goddamn easy for me to cross the street because you're not going fucking anywhere. If you're going 70 MPH like what I'm talking about, on this road, you're going too goddamn fast anyway. The speed limit is 30, that is well over half of that. So we're both trying to make our point with bloated cases. But to make you go fuckyourself, let me remind you that it's a 200 buck fine that that cop right over there will be more than happy to give you for not showing me the right of way in a cross walk," I say.


...to which I replied middle finger.


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