Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2001-10-14 - 2:50 p.m.


Almost there

I can't believe my fucking luck.

Or lack of it, I should say.

I was promised a ride back to Lowell a week in advance, only to have that person join a frat and have to rush, so he can't go. Pissed off, I ran around like crazy and asked every person I knew, even if it was just to borrow thier car. at like 1:20 AM on Friday night, I foudn someone who could do it. But he said he had to take a sick day at work. He didnt know it but he had a double shift that day and they said they would fire him if he didnt get his ass down there. So there I sat, bags packed at 9:30 AM Saturday morning, promised the best weekend of my life (which it would have been) and the kid woke up, went to work and didnt bother even telling me. I found out from his roomate.

Fuck that. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.

I am so pissed off right now. For the rest of the night, everyone around me kept asking if I was ok and I just didnt say anything. I just kept on drinking till I felt a little better. I tried to call and find out how it was and it was marvelous. I would have killed to have been in that crowd, watching my brothers play to thousands and smiling at thier ability with complete happiness. Then its back to the suite and time to get shitty, partying our asses off.

I fucking missed a slip and slide.

A fucking slip and slide.



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