Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2001-10-12 - 12:01 a.m.


stupid radio bullshit

I scramble for wheels too late into planning.

I have to get into Lowell tomorrow real bad and I can't explain it all to anyone here because they don't know the magic that place holds for me.

I also read at a poetry reading tonight and I think I did good.

I played an Anthrax song on the radio today and smiled as a lot of people probably sat a lot less comfortable as I abused the power of the DJ. There was a sign posted in ugly hot pink that listed all the "inappropriate" songs and I laughed noticing some of the names, partly becuase I picked some of them out for my play list. It hurt to see "Ob la di ob la da" by the Beatles as a bad song becuase of the tem "Life Goes on".

Isn't that the point of music? To help you move the fuck on? Besides, that song was the theme song to the show Life Goes On, you remember, the show with Corky. I never heard of groups for retarded people asking for the song to get pulled becuase it reminds people of retards...WHY BE RETARDS AND CANCEL IT FROM PLAYLISTS ALL ACROSS THE COUNTRY BECASUE IT TELLS YOU TO MOVE ON? Damn it. I saw Chop Suey! by System of a Down on that list. I still played it, but how many other people will...

And that's a damn good song.


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