Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2002-01-19 - 12:30 a.m.


Grandma and Uncle Grandpa VS. Porno and Pot

Plattsburgh is officially the dumbest school ever.

Opening thier doors on Monday, Plattsburgh beats Lowell in (as tape would put it) "redefining inconvience". I know that Monday is Martin Luther King Jr. Day and that some people have off then.

SOME people.

And of those people taking off for it, I doubt any of them want to be driving across New York State to plow worldly possessions into a crappy dorm room only to drive all the way back.


Anywho, today was quite a waste and then tonight was quite a show. I spent all day downloading porn, because I never really have with Kazaa, despite the complete freedom that program gives you over any media. After getting a disgusting amount of disgusting amounts, I deleted it all and bought 83 bucks worth of herbal "remedies" (read: some crazy legal herb stuff that relaxes you when you make tea out of it) solely because I've always wanted to try it and fuck if I'm gonna just get a little.

I'm going all the way hooooooooooome, as Barry and Levon would put it.

That reminds me; I watched the Stella tapes with Mehr and Dease today. Pippy Poopy motherfucker, I got bologna too!

You probably won't get that. Or maybe you will. Either way, it's funny.

Then tonight was my grandparents 50th wedding anniversary party. Think of a room full of Belmontes and we're all drinking. And then leave this room away from everyone else in the restaurant. Shit man, I'm only a fraction as bad as my grandpa. If you think I'm all messed up, he's the purest form of Belmo you can find. He turned to me and my sister today and asked if we had any weed.

I damn near wet myself. Then he was like "you damn well have weed. I know you do."

This is after spending 80 bucks on this herbal shit (agian, its not weed, but it sure does the trick. Not a high, but more of a "did that big giant bunny rabbit just move?" kind of thing. should be fun).

Then, to counter with my porno activities, my grandma was talking about how she got a facial (the non-porn kind) and I couldn't stop laughing everytime she said the word, becasue I just watched about 3 hours of people getting facials earlier today.

The porn kind. The "it's in my eye" kind.

Fuck you, I was drunk. It's really funny when you're drunk and you've known my grandmother enough to know it would kill her if she ever found out I even saw that shit, let alone laughed about her getting a facial.

The non-porn kind.

But as I walked around the room and I noticed the history my family has, looked at the pictures of moments my grandparents help make, seen the faces and the faces from faces they helped bring up, and noticed that all it took were these two people to make a room full of lives and make those lives happy, I swelled up with pride and drank my last drop of the night and smiled knowing that love is a powerful thing, because if they could stay together for 50 years and my grandpa is the wiseass bastard that he is, shit man anyone can. If love can withstand the onslaught of a family of Belmos, then there is a divine and ultimate power in love that not even us silly wise ass immature people can kill.

It must be weird for them to have been so much to so many.

Congradulations grandma and grandpa. Thanks for the life.


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