Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2002-01-17 - 7:31 p.m.


Last Day of Work

"...Friend of friend or foe of familiar the winter withers like we do or he do or it do or she good dog' sit"
-Part of a poem I wrote today about how my winter and my best friend's dog are both dying.

So today is the last day of work and it wasnt without it's ton of work. Although the topping of today is the fact that I got paid $946 and change today.

How much does a Playstation 2 cost again? heheheheheheheh oooooooooooh yeah you bet your ass.

I'm gonna miss some of the people I worked with, despite not missing the work. They were fun and I learned a few things about a job that I should take with me when I get my stupid drooling job later on down the line.

I won't miss the face though.

Let me explain.

There was this lady that worked there and she has this sickness that seems to be eating her face off from the inside out. Now, I can't blame her for being sick.

That would be silly.

BUT I can blame her for spitting in my ear all about how her face is on fire and how its itchy and irritated...


That is the single thing that I feel happy about leaving. If I had to listen to one more story about her burning bloaty infectious face while I try to choke down a lunch during the only 15 minutes I have to myself, there'd be fucking gunshots going off as we speak in Plainview.

Seriously, to be eating a sandwich, then look up at a big blotchy mess on someone's face and having to hear all about how disgusting it is and how much I don't want it and on and on and on...fuck, how are those sports teams doing? ANYTHING. SAY ANYTHING BESIDES "AWWWWWWWW my face...its this burning feeling, like..."

Fuck that.

It's a good thing I got paid today though, because me and my sister went shopping in Genovese for our school supplies and shit and spent $278...

...and while I was on the topic of Genosleaze: Genovese is the fucking crackfiend bastard brother of CVS. Think of the worst CVS you've ever been in and then make it really run down. There is nothing of any value in Genovese that you couldn't find in CVS and better. I don't have a "place" to go for my stuff. I don't think "Well, I need shampoo, I'll go to (insert store here). " But if I fucking did, it sure as fuck would never ever ever ever ever in the history of ever be a Genovese...

So yeah, school starts soon. Saturday is the travel back day. Sucks.

When I was getting my check today, I noticed it was the first time I was outside during daylight in probably 4 days. That makes baby jesus cry. And I noticed something that made me a little depressed or at least a little unnerved. Winter days seem a lot duller (not boring, but brilliant) than summer or spring days. Maybe it's the angle the sun takes to the Earth, but it's upsetting to see the Sun so dimly doing its work, lingering in the sky like a lazy drunk.

And as I watched the dull Sun, I noticed a tree slowly making it's way towards me. I thought it was a trick my eyes were playing on me, so I stopped walking. The tree didn't stop. So, I was kind of curious as to what in the motherfuck was going on and it turns out that a big backhoe (big diggy thingy) was transporting a tree somewhere to someone for some reason for whatever.

I thought the trees had enough of all this shit and were leaving.


Last Few

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