Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2002-06-29 - 3:54 p.m.


Belmo's vacation backfires

"So we got the Hives and the Vines. Any other band who wants to be a four letter word grouping? The Fucks perhaps or the Dicks. I'm sure the Cunts is just around the corner." - Drunken Belmo on the 4-letter grouping band name trend.

How is it that I've spent the best days of the summer yet inside? I've been like glued to my bed (no, not stuck because it's so hot, just not moving) and there's no reason for it.

I wrote a sappy romance movie script idea to counteract the Female Cold War. I figured if I didn't do something towards feeling emotions for someone, I'd be a cold hearted asshole. So I typed out a bunch of shit and I feel better, but the wall still remains.

I've been dancing with Bippy a lot lately. I know only a few people who will get that.

It's elementary, my good Watson.

I played hackey sack for the first time in a long time last night...at 5 in the morning. I remember seeing a commercial for gum where there was a bunch of college kids on the lawn of this house and it looked like the sun was just going down and someone drops a pizza in front of the kids and they say "BREAKFAST" and its supposed to mean it was really 5 oclock in the morning, becuase thats how it looked like outside. Anyway, I always thought that was a lie, that that many college kids wouldn't be up at like 5 in the morning, playing frisbee and chilling out on a lawn. And yet, I just proved myself wrong.

I love proving myself wrong.

I've got the worst case of writer's block ever. Well, despite the script idea. But I wouldn't dare try to write it out now, becasue it would turn out fucking stupid and then a good idea would get wasted on boredom.

GAHHHH! When will this boredom end? NOW? A week from now? Why does it feel like the whole world has slowed down to a crawl? The other night I was yanwing and I was like "DAMN! must be late."

It was 9 oclock and I was exhausted. From doing nothing all day but reading. That makes me pissed to be tired before 10.

I think I'm going to go kick myself in the ass to get me jump started and ldo something with my day.

If I was more relaxed than I am now, I'd be dead.


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