Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2004-04-21 - 3:04 p.m.



This is a call to all my Long Island and (adventurous) NYC brothas!

As well as to all of you who have no idea who I am and are just curious as all hell.

One of my bands, Pretty Polly, will be playing in Smithtown tomorrow night, at Saints and Sinners. You can find all the details on www.prettypollyweb.com, as well as a bunch of old mp3s to hear what we used to sound like. I think we play like 3 of those songs. The rest is brand fucking new.

Come down and let me cave your head in with music.

If you're searches through the internet have led to this dead-end of a shithole of a website and you are just getting here now, I'm an idiot and all I want to do is play music for you. IF you are in the area, come down.

If you know me and are just checking in, I'm playing a friggin show, so come down and listen. If you really knew me, you'd know what me playinga show would entail. A bunch of me falling all over the place as I attempt to crash through 7-8 songs as fast as possible. Should be fun.

And in all honesty, what do you have to do on a Thursday night that is so damn important really? Huh? Didn't think so. Just show up and let me and the boys of Pretty Polly pull down your pants and spank you with music. Honest injun, you'll at least be entertained by me jumping around like an idiot even if you think our music totally blows.

That is all.

You can continue searching for pornography and "big pussys" now.


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