Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2003-05-30 - 7:02 p.m.


6 hours


The events in this diaryland entry took place between the hours of 1:31 PM and 6:02 PM of May 30, 2003. they happened in real time, like that show 24.


Tape(1:31:53): bigwig?


Auto response from Belmonaut(1:31:53): You try to find your place for comfort regurgitating everything they say. Believe, believe, believe, relief. Rinse and repeat your time away. They lie brainwashing you into submission. And I think it's time I think it all again. Now throw away everything that you have learned. Conning you into giving everything that you have earned. I raise my glass to all the people who believe in what they say. To all the people who are different I say never be afraid. All the teachers and all the preachers who are always quick to say, "it's impossible to do it all unless you do it all my way." To all the philosophers to all the intellects. Who will never make mistakes. Cream of the crop and so pretentious. Just can't accept that they're the same.-BIGWIG, bitches


The above mentioned Tape(1:32:03): like the band?
Belmo(1:33:17): yeah
Belmo(1:33:23): bigwig like the band
Tape(1:33:43): word
Tape(1:33:53): I think I saw them once. I don't remember
Belmo(1:33:55): how you doing
Belmo(1:33:59): they're amazing live
Belmo(1:34:26): they were playing when I came into warped tour last year and I only saw them for like 10 minutes and I had the most fun at them
Belmo(1:34:31): they're sickness
Tape(1:34:41): it would have been during my freshman year "I don't know who any of these bands I'm seeing at shitty clubs like the Rat and Red Square are at all" phase
Belmo(1:34:44): I went for an interview today with a job firm
Tape(1:34:50): yeah>?
Belmo(1:34:52): heheheh yeah
Belmo(1:35:05): I want to be transferred to boston through them
Tape(1:35:09): word.
Belmo(1:35:19): but I'm getting something at McGrawHill or something
Belmo(1:35:42): and through that, I'm going to see if tehy have any openings in Boston and that in turn will lead to the house hunt as opposed to the job hunt
Belmo(1:35:44): I told you
Belmo(1:35:47): what did I tell you
Belmo(1:35:50): by the end of the summer
Tape(1:35:55): word man.
Belmo(1:35:56): that was my plan, mang
Belmo(1:36:03): I dont go back on my word is bong
Belmo(1:36:05): *bond
Tape(1:36:08): BONG
Belmo(1:36:09): HAHAHAHA that's funny
Belmo(1:36:24): Idont go back on my bong either. I love it
Tape(1:36:28): ha

Commercial, where Belmo runs into the city, meets with the DeltaGroup, a temp agency looking to put his shit to work like some kind of corporate pimp. Dude, Temp Agencies are fucking corporate pimps and you they hos. Brought to you by Verizon (yes, yes yes, for the fucking last fucking goddamn time yes, we can fucking hear you now. Now shut the motherfuck up, you dorkass emo looking reject of a fuckup). WE now return to the thrilling conclusion, already out of progress

Belmo(5:57:17): dudeness


Auto response from Tape(5:57:24): practicing subterranean with Mark, Kwan & 3LN


Belmo(5:57:24): shit damn
Belmo(5:57:33): I got a reply from fucking Bos-TONE!
Belmo(5:58:07): some digital media bitches are rockin my jock in
Belmo(6:01:42): I need you to sound off on this
Belmo(6:02:07): I could be rocking in boston by the end of this coming month
Belmo(6:02:20): wow, dude, things totally just flipped on me in the matter of a single IM window




So yeah. That. I complained, I whined and bitched and moaned. Everyday, I'd rifle through my email, diggin through the ten or fifteen emails about wanting to make my penis a wee bit bigger. I'd dig through the "you want to make money from home?" emails that really wanted to make your money through your home by selling you things. I'd dig through the countless Monster.com, HotJobs.Com and the 156 other JobFindyThingy.com places I threw my resume into emails, all trying to sell me jobs I can't do or are too underqualified to take. And through it all, I get two emails that change the course of Belmohistory for years to come. Well, ok, I get a good shot at getting a job, but fucking still, after batting absolute zero, I come out with something. That's all I really needed, just a boot in the ass, jsut a poke to get me going.

And about the Boston thing. I had hopes that I'd be able to get myself to Boston within a year of getting out of school. If there's anywhere I want to be at all, it's in Boston. Not to make fun or insult any of my NY friends, but seriously, I want to go to Boston. I like it there, it's fun there and it's the only place in the world I have found a hardcover copy of the entire Johnny the Homicidal Maniac series ever. The only other one I had ever seen belonged to Brian and that was a soft cover copy, which is probably in tatters at the moment.

I'm moving on to life now I guess. Granted, neither of these propositions have yielded jobs as of yet, but I can sit on my ass in bed and watch cartoons, eating Cap'n Crunch in my underwear, drinking Dairy Barn Iced Tea out of the carton, laughing little bits of Crunch into my bed and wallowing like a pig and SOMEONE is out there trying to pimp my shit to somewhere. Whether the internet is doing it for me or some guy on 40th St. in Manhattan is, I don't care.

Work away, fellas. The job to get me a job is a hard one. I should know.

Even I haven't done it yet.


PS - I'm well aware that two entries ago, I lambasted Bush, telling him it's his fault that this economy is in the shitter and complaining that I can't find a job and that now I have a good chance. Mr. Bush didn't come here and find me a job - I did. It took hours upon hours of my life, searching every nook and cranny of every single internet site that is even remotely close to a job search, posting resume after resume, filling in blanks about my information until I could do it without looking. Just because I got a break through doesn't mean the economy is doing any better or that Bush had anything to do with it getting better. As a matter of fact, I don't think he's done a damn thing at all and that's why shit went downhill and it took everyone else to pick themselves up off the ground. So fuck off and take your finger pointing with you. And while you're out, shove that finger up your ass.

BMC all over again

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