Leave me a Note, Damn It!
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2003-12-26 - 2:16 p.m.


Put it all down, every single last weapon

Well Christmas came and went and it was actually a very good year. I didn't get many gifts, but the ones I got were really good and that's better. I asked my mom when everything was done if there were any more gifts and she looked at me and said "No" and I didn't feel upset or bummed out or anything. It seemed like I had been given just enough. I got my diploma and my first published article framed and speakers for my computer, along with the standard socks and underwear and that was it. And since that's all I needed, I felt happy about it.

I'm finding year after year that the thrill of opening up gifts lessens as the years go on. I've been well aware that there's no man in a red suit climing down my chimney to give me gifts (my first clue was that we don't have a chimney). It never bothered me to learn there was no Santa Claus, because honestly the gifts kept coming and we even made it a joke like "Oh I bet Santa is going to give you a bunch this year" and it was more fun that way. Living under the fear that Santa is watching me like Big Brother didn't seem all that settling and starkly contrasted the feeling of Christmas. Being good is one thing - being good or else is another.

And then I noticed a drastic decrease in the amount of Church I was going to. We stopped going to Church every weekend very early on. It became like every other weekend, then down to once a month and holidays. After a while, it became holidays and one day, I woke up on Easter and realized it was noon and that we never went to Easter Mass. This was not a bad thing, as today I am not even close to being a religious person and had I been subjected to salvation against my will, I'd be a lot less happier during the holidays. It's not that I'm afraid of the Church or that I hate the Church - I'm very apathetic towards it. I'm bothered by organized religion as a whole. Sure, there has to be something out there that started this and there's a reason why we're here and how we got here and all that fun stuff that religion strives with no actual proof to solve. It's all based on faith and blind leaps in judgement and I'm not buying it. There is most likely something that put us here, but it might not be the answer we're all looking for or think. There could have been some kind of space debris floating around from when a planet was blown up or a huge piece tore off into space and went millions of miles away and crashed into the Earth with microorganisms in it and VOILA! simple life began on this planet, spawning further simple life up to the advanced animals until it came to now, where simple life is just a horrible television show about snobby assholes who are rewarded millions of dollars to completely fuck up what hard working people do for close to free.

We've come a long way.

My point is, we're celebrating two things this season. We're looking under christmas trees for presents, a tradition that goes back to the Romans combined with a Pagan ritual of celebrating the forest that stems from the Germans, as well as the supposed exact day that Jesus, a man some people think is a savior, some people think is just a really neat guy who did some good things but is not the son of god and others think existed about the same time Superman really existed on the planet, was born. We're giving each other gifts, either for the reasons Romans did or because it's Jesus' birthday and he's not alive to take them, so why don't we do it. And that's fine.

But if you take it down to it's base, it's a season based on just being happy there are people around you that care about you and that you care about, and if you don't have even that, aside from your beliefs and such, then your seasons probably suck. If you do have that, then you're probably rolling around happy as shit with your new whatever and your other new things with a big grin on your face. But always remember what Christmas Carols are actually saying. This is the time for peace, this is the time for renewal of livlihood. Whether you practice Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, the teachings of Islam, Hinduism, Taoism, tribal worshipings, Satanic rituals or whatever have you this holiday season and even if you don't practice any of them and are just a spectator on the sides lines laughing at a world of people trying to make sense out of nonsense, just do one thing.

Stop killing each other for two seconds and actually go about your life for one damn day.


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